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Which christian has read one or more of the following?

Christians claim that every answer is to be found in the bible and often bash every other point of view ( often without understanding it - see: evolution ).

A lot of us atheists have read and studied the bible.

But which one of you christians has actually made the effort to study a different point of view by reading and understanding one of the following books:

1. Richard Dawkins - The god delusion

2. Bobby Henderson - The gospel o.t. flying spaghetti monster

3. Stephen Hawking - The universe in a nutshell

4. Charles Darwin - The origin of species

5. Similar: Please state title!


I've read all of them (including the bible) except Darwin.

18 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Carl Sagan - The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    [Christian borderline Atheist]

    Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion (Reading)

    Bobby Henderson - The Gospel o.t. Flying Spaghetti Monster (Where can I buy it?)

    Stephen Hawking - I'm reading "A Brief History of The Universe"

    Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species (its in the post!)

    And the thing that has started making me confused about Christianity was: The Bible

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    For me, the Bible doesn't hold the answer. It is just a reference for reflection. It is not for me to freely interpret, since it is written thousand of years ago and I don't know the culture in the past or how they used their words and there meanings in the past.

    Just like a programming book only software developers can freely understand it or medical books for doctors.

    I haven't read the named books, since they are expensive and I am not the kind who read this type of books. I am into fiction.

    But have watch about Charles Darwin in NatGeo. Evolution is not really a threat or a conflict with the Catholic teaching. It is just an unanswered question about the similarities in each organisms' features, that is why it is called a theory. There are evidences but still the missing link haven't been found so it still remains a theory. I am not deny the possibility of evolution. I am also not deny that I am inclined to God.

    Quelle(n): a Catholic view
  • vor 5 Jahren

    Dear Mr. Zeppelinben, If you look for God, and think that you have found Him, and do not rejoice, then you have found something else but God. I doubt if that entity will even consider giving you a written apology. That entity might have a lot of sports and fun with you if you even consider sueing it. You might even die in the process. And what do you hope to gain by sueing it? Wings? Magical Powers? Let's see, the court is gonna put a restraining order on it? God gave us, as humans, free will. The Bible says so, and you can see it starting with Adam, when he names all the animals, and God does not interfere or change the names. God is there, and with your free will it is your choice if you want to be found or not. He has already found us, it's just that we keep on telling Him to get lost. I have been led to salvation through another person's faith, not my own, so yes, faith leads to salvation. I have walked in the darkness, and seen things which people thought Hollywood conjured up. The name of God is powerful even in magic, and if there was no God then could someone please explain to me how it works. If you do not believe in God, the Bible, or salvation, then don't let it bother you so much that you have to ask questions about it. Now, may you have a blessed and prosperous New Year. May the Father catch you when you fall in darkness, the Spirit lead you from the darkness to the light, and may the Son give heed to your calls when you are in distress. Amen

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I always called myself an atheist but I ended up finding God and building a relationship with Him, through a series of events that are too long to explain here. I've read the Bible of course, and have also read numbers 1 and 4. I understand both points of view and have no problem with religion or non religion. But I don't see myself as religious, rather as having a relationship with God. I can feel His presence, His acceptance, and His love. In the end I may very well be wrong but God gives me peace that no book can disprove.

  • Ray G
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have read #3 and #4 and you can fill in #5 with any of the following:

    Dark Nature - Llyal Watson

    The Lucifer Principle - (I forget at the moment)

    Cosmos - Carl Sagan

    Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

    The Day the Universe Changed - James Burke

    ...and many others.

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I dont think you can keep those books in the same category. Putting Dawkins with Darwin is like keeping batman comics with Charles Dickens.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have read the god delusion but not the others.

    I have also read Lee Strobel case for christ, Mike licona's essays, JP Holding, the bible, Josh Mcdowell, some cs lewis, and many more..

    sorry, I am an atheist.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Dude, I don't ever read the Bible. That ******* thing is way too are these. Have you tried reading Origin of Species. Good thing Darwin is dead because he can't write for ****.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If you don't believe in GOD. why are you here asking questions to christians that do believe.

    Most say that atheism is not religious, BUT everyone that claims this seem to end up here arguing with people who believe in God, the Bible and Love Jesus.

    Quelle(n): GGF
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