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Lv 7
Tobias fragte in TravelAfrica & Middle EastSouth Africa · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

What problems has South Africa to deal with, nowadays?

Okay, Apartheid is over for nearly 20 years, now. Of course it has influenced South Africa. My question is: Are there any post-apartheid problems, South Africa has to deal with, now? And, if not, what are the problems South Africa has to deal with in present time? (poverty, crime etc?)

11 Antworten

  • Tony J
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Well, according to the ANC everything that goes wrong and every problem that presents itself is due to Apartheid, but that is simply not true, they have no excuse but their own incompetence and current major problems are the aftermath of Apartheid.

    The major strategic problems and challenges facing South Africa right now are, poverty, HIV/Aids, fraud, corruption and nepotism in government and crime.

    The good news is that they can all be addressed, managed and or minimized and the bad news is that very little is been done due to the ruling ANC government concerning themselves mainly with lining their own pockets through fraud, corruption and nepotism.

    In fact, had Jacob "Thug" Zuma been an American he would long ago have been on the FBI's most wanted hot list, this same Zuma is on the SA hot list to be the next President of SA.....I hope you are starting to understand the biggest problem of them all.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well, there is the HIV/Aids crisis. The problem there is that the government is trying to cure aids by feeding people beetroot and handing out free condoms, which is obviously not the right thing to do.

    Crime is also a problem, but America actually has the most crime on Earth (see Top 10 of everything by Russel Ash). All countries have crime problems, though I think rape is a big problem.

    The average South African, like me, has not experienced crime though. It's not as big a problem s people make out.

    B.E.E also sucks

    Quelle(n): Me, 13 year old Proudly South African
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Crime TOP thing, was born there thank goodness my dad is italian so we moved to italy... schools... totally disgusting! i don't know but when they had the apartheid at least it was clean hardly any crime... etc etc pity that the British left... would be sweet if they came back and took rule of south africa cause that's what SA needs... before you could walk on the streets now there's like a 65% chance or even higher you're going to get mugged or even killed... just because you are white... but they do it to coloreds too... and also work is hard to find there nowadays.... SA has been turned upside down... i can't imagine the World Cup there in 2010... it'll be a thief's finest hour lol

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are a lot of problems here, mainly corruption, violent crimes, disintegration of all public services like hospitals, libraries, schools, public transport system etc. Unemployment numbers are very high. But this is still a nice country to live in.

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  • zhi
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Pessimism, a sense of entitlement and laziness.

    Everyone knows what they think should be done but nobody wants to give a sample of their brilliant work. Even the people who complain about 'no sense of community' don't do anything to improve the community.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We have no problems in the new South Africa, our money is worthless so no one worries about money. You just take what we want, no one complains because there are no police to complain to. No one gets sick either, because if you get sick you have to spend 2h explaining to a Cuban doctor what is wrong with you, and then he just sends you home in any case. We also removed all the borders those European colonists created, so now we can move freely on our ancestral land. Every day the US brings us food, so we don't have to work.

    We are all also very happy with our new leader Muammar Gaddafi. Soon the United States of Africa will rival the EU.

  • Goldy
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    CRIME Poverty and Illegal imigrants,are the three main,problems

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Take all the other countries' problems, combine it and then you get SA. Everybody always ask about SA. Don't ask - come and see/experience for yourself!

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Why does it matter where it came from? It is no-one's fault .....a virus jumped the animal-human is one of those things that happen. If you must, blame the chimpanzees.....

  • Muffin
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    the biggest problem with South Africa now??? The ANC & the fools like Ayiza that still vote for them..............

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