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Peter D fragte in Consumer ElectronicsTVs · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Is the 24p cinema playback feature worth while for a plasma?

I'm looking to upgrade my old 720p Samsung 32" LCD. I think I want to check out the plasma side of things this time around. After much hand-wringing I think I've settled on the Panasonic TH-46PZ85U. The ratings seem to be above average and with the price inching toward $1,000 it's seeming like a good buy.

I'm as much into features as the next guy, buy I don't really care about features that cost money but don't pull their weight. The only think this TV seems to be missing is the 24p cinema playback. So I'm asking those who know whether or not this feature is worth while.

Also, is this the TV to get? I don't want high-end. I just want a good value bang for the buck, mid-range TV. Any other recommendations for a 46" around $1,000?

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I've had 2 TVs with this feature, and I've toyed around with each one. I could never tell the difference.

    The TV you mention is a fine choice.

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