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JAMIE R fragte in Society & CultureLanguages · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Can anyone Translater Czech into English?

I received a note from a friend who enjoys the fact that I can't read it, can anyone translate the below message into English for me please?

Leti jesisek s nadilka

vrti pri tom prdylka

jestli cekat nadilka

nech za okno lahvinka

krasne vanoce

plne milych prekvapeni

a stastny novy rok

(There are accents over the 'Z' and 'S' in JeZiSek. If it helps)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Letí Ježíšek s nadílkou,

    [Ježíšek is flying with this presents(fill),]

    vrtí při tom prdílkou.

    [and he's shaking his little bum].

    Jestli čekáš nadílku,

    [If you're waiting for (expecting) presents,]

    nech za oknem lahvinku.

    [leave a bottle in the window.]

    Krásné vánoce

    [Merry Christmas]

    plné milých překvapení

    [full of pleasant surprises]

    a šťastný nový rok.

    [and happy New Year]

    just in case:

    Ježíšek (the Child Jesus) is a Christmas gift-giving figure used in the Czech Republic.

    here's more info:

    Quelle(n): Czech
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    jesiek airport with nadka

    vrti in the bum if cekat nadiku

    leave a window lahvinka

    merry christmas fully beloved surprised and happy new year.~

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