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C#: How do you split a string after a specific length and after a whitespace?

This might be a really dumb question for some of you, but I just don't seem to get this right: I want to divide a long string into some lines of text. Therefore I need to split it after a specific length. As the words should be complete in one line it should also take care of the whitespaces. And there's the problem!

This is my code:

for(x=0; x<Text.Length; x+=CharsInOneLine)


if( !(x+CharsInOneLine > Text.Length) )


StringArray[ x / CharsInOneLine ] = Text.Substring (x , CharsInOneLine);





This code correctly splits the string into parts. But of course it does not take care of the whitespaces. And: No, I can't use \r\n to create a new line. It does not work in this specific case.

Can anyone of you help?

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If your string can't be longer than say 80 characters, go to character 80 and if it isn't a space have your program check character 79 and keep going back until you have a space and then split the the string.

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