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Question for ID advocates: How do you falsify ID?

Each Scientific theory has to be falsifiable or it is not science.

4 Antworten

  • Vishal
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If ID is true, then all genes coding for newly evolved morphological structures ought to be recessive. (According to ID, new information cannot be added to the genome, so the genes that appear to be new must have always been there; the only way this is possible is if they are all recessive). Finding a single newly evolved morphological structure that is coded by a dominant gene would falsify ID.

    It turns out that there are plenty of new morphological structures that are dominant, not recessive.

    EDIT: Page1344: Falsifiable means that there needs to at least be theoretical pieces of evidence that could show the theory to be false. For example, General Relativity is falsifiable. It makes predictions about orbits, and if those predictions turned out to be wrong, the theory would be shown to be false.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Fair question.

    Find any life on mars or asteroid or any other planet.

    Take inorganic molecules and create a cell that can reproduce.

    Observe a prokaryote cell engulfing any free floating organelle and incorporating it into itself.

    Watch any single cell organism turning into a two cell organism, or whatever stage came after the 1 cell organism.

    Observe a hippo turning into a whale. -do to time constraints and human lifespans this sort of thing will be never be observable which brings into question the falsifiability of common descent.

    Or show a direct example of where actual information and instruction, can arise naturally.

    I'm sure I could think of some more which would put a stake in the heart of creationism or ID or whatever. Some think it is a matter of time before some that I mentioned occur, but I bet that you will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds before any of these happen.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    *Mental Image*

    St Peter looking at small plastic card - 'sorry Mr. Stein, this ID appears falsified'

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    What? Huh? Come again.

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