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Lonely Road towards Atheism.. Video ... Your opinion ?

This is one of the honest and emotional videos I ever saw from a atheist.If you got the time watch it and tell me your opinion

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It was hard for him because he grew up with the idea the existence of a higher beings and truly believes in it as much as we believe in the existence of gravity, or that we need food and water to survive. God was a higher being that he really believes exist out there. That's probably why it was so hard for him

    But not everyone grows up that way. Many people grow up without getting into the whole god idea.

    Some even see god just as something to believe in

    I do that way, since I was young. I see god and religion as something people believes in, it isn't something the the existence of the sun or moon, that no one can doubt and it doesn't takes any beliefs for it to exist

    God takes alot of beliefs to exist, and only exist to those who believes it.

    Its sad that some people are into this idea of god so much that they not only dedicate their entire life to it, but also force that opinion onto others.

    That's not what religion should be about.

    I don't love god. I love my parents. They are the one who raised me up. God is just there for us to believe in, but god wasn't the one who raise me up.

    I disagree with the idea of loving god more than anything, its insane. Our parents are the one who deserve the most love from us, not god.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Referring to one of the earlier answers, atheism is not a religion, and atheists don't have a place of worship because they don't worship anything. I am an atheist, and in my opinion people shouldn't be defined by their beliefs. Which sounds more likely to be ridiculed to you: the people that worship an invisible guy that no one has ever seen or the people that don't?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sad. Just another example of someone who didn't completely understand Christianity. Didn't get what HE wanted, and chose the easier road. That being....the easy answer. The answer that doesn't take much thought and faith. There is no God. That's the easy way out.

  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    He is nice looking.

    He wears a hat that says he is cool.

    He talks with authority.

    He sounds like a minister.

    He is a minister.

    He is a minister of satan.

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