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Guardian article: Why do we believe in God?

Faith in a higher being is as old as humanity itself. But what sparked the Divine Idea? Did our earliest ancestors gain some evolutionary advantage through their shared religious feelings? In these extracts from his latest book, Robert Winston ponders the biggest question of them all...

What do you think about this article and why ?



I am an atheist but I am also interested in the nature of believe itself.

Update 2:

Although I asked for your opinion on the article and not just on the headline. thx

Update 3:

And pleases no copy past answers that have nothing to in common with the question

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I like how the integration of religiosity is tied in with human development, and I agree with the idea in general. I like the research-based methods tied in with the belief structure, and the twin studies, especially, as the studies touch on the propensity of humans to rationalize their feelings of the mysterious and existential questions.

    Language, I noticed, though not strictly stated, plays an important role in conceptualizing the divine, which, when considered with the twin studies, points to a combination of nature and nurture in the formation of supernatural beliefs.

    I believe this article is using the best method of examining humanity's development of beliefs.

    The mention of dopaminergic systems was practically intuitive, and I feel a good one. Personally, I think the persistence of divine conceptualizations have a lot to do with writing (including pictographs) which help preserve concepts better than oral tradition, and am very curious about how fire might have been an indispensable key to the conceptualization and spreading of religious beliefs.

    I very much like the holistic approach.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why are you atheists so enthused with Christains worshipping God? Why is it such a threat to you? Leave us alone. I don't wake you up in the morning for being different, Don't wake me up either. Give it a rest!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are many different aspects that can lead to a choice. Most important is - did that choice make you happy?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I personally think those that THINK they are going to heaven have a severe entitlement complex

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We don't. You do.

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