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Why do some believer take offense by EVOLUTION and some don’t?

I am not interested in easy answer like they believe in literally truth of Genesis.

I want to know why some believers fear Evolution Science and blame it to be an invention of the atheist. When in the same moment believers of the same religion have no emotional struggle with evolution.

Why thinks one believer that if this theory is the true’s his picture of the world falls apart when the other believer of the same religion can include this scientific findings without a problem.

What is the difference between those two emotionally, rationally and in there world view.



Here is a link to one of the Christian that

Believes in the Christian god and in the same time accept evolution as the most likely explanation for human ancestry.

23 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It is the difference between blind faith and true faith.

    Those with blind faith must reject everything that does not match their own preconceived notions.

    While those with true faith accept they can be wrong about the details but their path is right. As such they accept that science can only disprove false notions of God thus leaving them with a better understanding of God and reality.

    Emotionally blind faith stunts a persons growth and prevents them maturing. This leads to hatred of those who disagree, which over time will be more and more people. While those with true faith encourage emotional growth and compassion for all as a path to God. As they grow they can accept their own shortcomings and become more tolerant.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    First, I must point out that your question is arrogant and presumptuous.

    Just because I don't believe evolution doesn't mean I either hate it OR fear it.

    I love science, but I honestly do not believe that the theory of evolution can sustain a close and critical look, considering such things as "Mitochondria", proteins and protein synthesis, and above all else, that amazing, fully programmed Information Storage and Retrieval System which makes even the Cray Supercomputer look like child's play in comparison. I'm referring, of course, to DNA.

    Evolution teaches that life began simple, and became more complex. The problem with that is there is no "simple" life forms. Even the single-celled amoeba and protozoa have a highly developed and complex DNA, just as we humans do, just a different number of genes.

    And, of course, the laws of thermodynamics and entropy state that things move FROM order TO chaos, but for evolution to occur, the universe would have to reverse entropy and move from CHAOS to ORDER.

    And, don't forget the information encoded in the DNA. Anybody who knows anything about information systems will tell you that ordered information that has meaning AND significance, is NEVER random, but ALWAYS the results of intelligent involvement. (Let's see you write a computer program by throwing out random characters, then feeding that string of characters to the CPU as an .EXE file!)

    Albert Einstein once said, "The universe is like a giant jigsaw puzzle. There are many possible solutions, but only One fits all the facts," and so far, evolution can NOT account for life here on earth without violating OTHER known facts about the universe.

    Perhaps I should ask YOU, why do (some?) atheists fear Creation, when in the same moment, these evolutionists have no emotional struggle with the intelligent design of complex computer operating systems?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I like reading the "Scopes Monkey Trial" in 1927 the trial between Clarence Darrow (defense) and (William Jennings Bryant) state of Tenn. Prosecution..when a school teacher (Scopes) was charged with teaching Darwins theory of evlolution in public school..

    it was made into a great movie "Inherit the Wind" with Spencer Tracy...but it brings out all the points of why we have or had a law on the books in various states that made it illegal to teach Darwin or any theory that did not agree with the Genesis version of the Bible..

    Man has always been a thinking animal and he will always question the orgin of his species..this question brings out the best and worst in believer and non-beliver...

    I believe that it was to the individual to find the answer and judge for themselves and this is done after studying both the Bible and science...then YOU decide what you believe

    as you believe you will recieve.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Its quite simple,

    Some people, whether they are religious or not will believe anything and will accept most things as gospel, if they have heard it a few times and it sounds feasible. (Even if it's not true).

    The saying goes that "If you throw enough mud, some of it is going to stick".- It's called Blind Faith. Most people are lost sheep that just follow the multitudes.

    That is why millions of "so called christians" lost their lives in the wars of last century. The leaders of the churches (Priests) were blessing the war machine, so all of the "so called Christians" (Lost Sheep) thought that it must be O.K to go to war. But, they " forgot to read the part in the bible that said..."You must not Kill".

    Thats why 30 - 40% of the clergymen in America are gay, they forgot to read the part in the bible that says that man should be husband of one wife only, and that man must not lay down with another man.

    If you read the bible, then you would see that evolution contradicts it. So people choose something that suits their lifestyles right now, this way they dont become accountable to anyone or anything.

    By reading the bible you become accountable to the creator.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because some believers base their beliefs solely on personal interpretation of the Bible, an unbiblical manmade tradition which guarantees false beliefs. It is no surprise therefore that some of these false beliefs may be contrary to known facts of science. Other believers follow the true message of the Bible, which tells us that the Church Christ founded is "the pillar and foundation of truth", and that whatsoever it binds upon earth is bound in heaven, and that the Holy Spirit guides it into all truth. These Christians receive the truth of divine revelation through the Church and the truth of the natural world through science, and the two do not conflict. Truth cannot conflict with truth.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Not just the literal truth of the creation account in Genesis, but their entire lives have been structured around the notion of Biblical Inerrancy. (The Bible is the Word of God and is therefore incapable of being wrong). If the bible has one thing wrong, then that means that there could be other parts wrong.

    Evolution denotes a development that is at odds to their notion that the Earth is only around 6 thousand years. Evolution- billions of years.

    Many of the Creationists, are also into the notion that the Biblical Week, also represents God's week. (A thousand years ...) Thus if the earth is but 6 thousand years old, then the day of rest (The Millenium mentioned in Revelations) is just about around the corner.

    But if Evolution be true, and the Bible is wrong, then they feel that they've lived their entire lives...for nothing.

    As to the others. Your guess is as good as mine.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well, one reason is that there are different views and understandings in Christendom about the 'beginning'. This will be a sample because we are talking about two billion living people and endless numbers of writers over thousands of years of history.

    One common view holds that the beginning is close to the time of the creation of man; say from 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. These have a tendency to reject the long ages of evolution.

    Another common view it that the creation of Adam is a re-creation and that the 'beginning' was in the beginning. These have a tendency to allow long ages between the beginning and the six-day re-creation.

    Quelle(n): Thinking it through.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The difference is one seeks and applies the truth and one does not. The truth is that God did create the universe. There are many Christians that just accept what the world has to say as truth. They ignore what God has said is the truth. For myself I do not fear evolution. Would it change my views if it were true. Absolutely. If it were true then nothing in the Bible could be trusted. For that very reason it is not unreasonable for a person that does not believe in the Bible to accept it as their truth. But for someone to say they believe in the God of the Bible and the believe in evolution is a sign of spiritual schizophrenia. They are living with multiple personalities. One that believes in God and one that denies Him.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They're nuts. (the ones who demonize evolution) They need an enemy, if it weren't evolution it would be something else.

    They are shallow, divisive people and they need a point to argue. Insecure in their own beliefs, they have to have a Nemesis.

    They even demonize Darwin the scientist who was Christian and had no idea that all this non-sense would develop from his findings.

    The Christians who can accept the facts about evolution are simply more secure, spiritually mature people.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because some Christians have bought into the creationist propaganda that evolution is really some kind of anti religious conspiracy rather than a biological mechanism that has nothing to do with religion.

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