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Did everything come from nothing or did something always exist?

The Universe consists of matter, time and space.

Einstein showed than time and space are of the same thing (spacetime) and he also showed that matter is a manifestation of energy.

Energy can be converted to Matter and vice verse.

So space-time has to have a beginning at the big bang or as a believer will argue as god created the universe. But it’s different with matter as a manifestation of energy.

So here is the kicker question did energy have a beginning?

Does energy need time and space to exist?

For everything to have a cause energy is needed. All cause effect relationships transfer energy from one thing to another. (Fundamental law of physics). So for everything to have a beginning including matter, time and space there have to be energy present. So all energy that exists now must had existed at the beginning. Because the first law of thermodynamics stated that energy can’t be crated or destroyed. So energy must has always been here. Now the question out of this conclusions is.


Where did the energy to crate the Universe come from?

If your answer is from god than what exactly is the relationship between god and energy?

If your answer he is the source of energy? If that’s true does it mean he gave up some or all of his energy to crate the universe. Either that or good itself is an infinite supply of energy so that I wouldn’t lose any energy as he created the universe.

This would mean two things: Energy can be crated or energy can be infinite.

Crating Energy would violate the laws of physics that ALL arguments for his existence that involves the laws of physics are irrelevant!

Because you would use the laws of physics to prove something that must violate them.

Lets suggest for the sake of the argument that god at least at part is an infant supply of energy. That would make sense because god is all powerful. This implies that energy can be infant. So back to our important question:

Update 2:

What is the explanation for the energy that was present at the beginning of the universe?

There are just 2 possibilities: It’s a supernatural or it’s an unknown natural explanation.

The Christians will know state that this energy comes from god specifically the Christian god.

But this is the Question that human being has been asking about a lot of things since human beings starting asking questions. What is lightning? Why do mothers give birth? Why does the sun rise? Why people get sick?

There are millions of questions we can ask and all of them could simply rushed of with god did it. But that doesn’t mean that this explanation is correct. In fact time after time after time the answer has been an unknown natural explanation that eventually becomes known.

Doesn’t it make sense that this trend would continue?

Update 3:

If you are fundamental believer you might claim to know with absolutely certainty what the source of this energy is and even claim to have a personal relationship with it. I simply say that the source is unknown possibly unknowable but that the most likely explanation is not a magical man in the sky but an unknown natural phenomenon.

Update 4:

From somecomputergeek

Update 5:


A simple god did it is not an answer to my question

12 Antworten

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Technically everything that exists has always existed, just under another form... all matter was condensed and stuck together then the big bang happened and it just separated, then the laws of physics (gravity) made some matter get together again and form planets which then formed solar systems -> galaxys -> universe... even if you're just talking about earth and it's inhabitants then take piss for example it doesn't come from nothing but from the water you drink, all your body didn't use or got rid of through sweat has to come out at some point ... All those who refute what I said have the right to do so but remember that I have the right to have my own opinion just like you, if you explain to me why I am wrong I might change my opinion but I'm a very logical person so things like "you are wrong god did all that" will be ignored, things like "you are wrong god did all that and here's your proof and explanation" will be reflected upon...

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The conception of the 5 elements,

    Which the mystics have always had, cannot be explained in scientific terms, because the mystics have their own peculiar meaning. Although the elements may be called earth, water, fire, air and ether, this must not be taken literally. Their nature and character, according to the mystics, are different.

    Nothing n Something's

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    noting can only make nothing correct?

    so they say that nothing explode "big bang" and created everything... only nothing can create nothing so something always existed and created everything

    something intensely power fully and extremely intelligent

    i would consider one of the biggest problems

    with evolution to be the fact that it discredits

    the intelligent creator in favor of blind chance

    and ill ask you how can blind chance create a seeing


    even if you want to go with that and say that it just

    happen, heres the problem if you believe that you were

    unintelligently designed that there was no

    intelligent hand in your creation

    then that means you are a biological machine

    a slave to the chemical reactions in your brain

    which means you cant trust you thoughts

    so if you cant trust your thoughts

    how in the world can you claim that what you know is


    how can you believe in evolution

    and claim that your belief is completely founded in

    reality, when in fact you cant trust your own thoughts

    the only alternative is you are created intelligently

    and that discredits the whole evolutionary THEORY

    if your inclined

    go here this is your next step

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We don't know. There are concepts like negative energy and dark energy which are mathematical constructs, but which are not understood mechanistically. If there is is negative energy, that will balance out energy. We have mathematical models that address the nature of what might be beyond the universe, but no experimental evidence to back them.

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  • Lynn C
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    GOD always existed, therefore God created everything, including our subtle little minds full of the knowledge that we got from the tree that was not suppose to be eaten out of.

    still we eat from the tree, now GOD gives us the BIBLE the written word of TRUTH, and yet some still want to keep eating from the serpents tree.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Christ is Risen!

    Peace and grace be with your spirit.

    "Ex Nihilo" Out of nothing!

    Creation "out of nothing"

    God of course is the source of all energy in the Universe/matter/creation.


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    God created everything.

    Read the Bible.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If I was old enough to answer this question my birthday cake would be a volcano.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ya god lit a blue angel

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Science does not yet have an answer to this...but we're looking for it!

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