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What do you as a theist replay to a theist that claims that atheist can’t be moral ?

I was just wondering if you will defend that the atheist can be moral too or if you will join the other theist in some verbal atheist smashing?


@ I Believe!

Some people do leak a moral Compass but it has been my experience that those are equally as likely to be found among the theists and the atheists.

When morals become divine Law they lose their meaning and become merely words. Because your not responsible to the people you hurt (for instance gays) but to god. And god will forgive you if you just have faith.

For those of us that don’t believe it isn’t so easy. We have to ask forgiveness from the actual people that we actually hurt. So we have to think more carefully of the consequences of our actions.

Update 2:


Ok I get It you will join the verbal atheist smashing front … you write such a stuff and claim to be moral ? You hypocrite!

Update 3:

@Johnny B

By claiming that Atheist can’t be moral because by leak of believe in a deity you would implying that we must murder, loot and rape.And that’s far away from the reality in fact the less prisoners are atheists.

7 Antworten

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    When people say ignorant things like that, I just ignore them. I dont feel they have any right to call atheists immoral when common sense tells you they are as moral as anybody else. So I dont talk to bigoted lunkheads

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Jim is so funny AND he has a sense of humor!

    I dont know about "replay" but Id reply,or rather Quote scripture,

    "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"

    "All their rightousness is as filthy rags"

    the wages of sin is death"

    oh there s the one that goes "if a corrupt mans son asked him for a fish would he give him a snake? if therefore an evil man is capaable of doing good ,should not your Father in heaven do so also."

    so Yes even God recognizes that

    non theists are capable of good.

    and the Christian that forgets that sin is an equalizer,that without the grace of God he too had a reserved place in hell,needs to get back on his knees and get humble.

    but for the Grace of GOD.

    I know that atheists are for the most part good people and contribute a lot to the good of mankind.

    Its sad that all works outside of the will of God are counted as naught.

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have never had anyone 'bash' atheist around me. Most just feel pity for them.

    I think that most who you are talking about, as far as bashing, are kinda of bashing of many groups.

    As to your question, if you remove the foundation of morals, The Word of God, then what is moral becomes subjective to who ever makes the laws of the land.

    I have little doubt that Hitler thought riding the world of Jews a moral issue.

    Or that Stalin thought that riding the land of 'peasants' would be immoral in the least.

    And even today , there are those who think it is completely acceptable to butcher you pre-born children in the womb, and they most likely call them-self moral as well.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    One of my closest friends is an atheist. I don't agree with everything she does, but she is a very loving, moral and kind person.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    An atheist would masturbate behind some doors saying, 'there's no god'; but he'll not do it openly....that's the only morality he would probably be proud to announce.....Even some swedish lovers would make love in the open....morality?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe that most Christians know that you can be moral without practicing their faith. Expect biased answers for biased questions. <shrugs>

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Without religion one can not be morally good.

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