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Is Neo-Nazism a menace?

Are Neo-Nazi organisations a threat to society? And if so, in which countries do you think they pose the most danger?

11 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I can't really speak for other countries, and can only judge their situation from what I see and read in the media. In the UK, however, Neo-Nazism is more of a minor irritant that people try to ignore than a real threat, and those individuals who are deemed a threat are usually known to the police who keep a close eye on their activities.

    Neo-Nazism, however, does have an unrepresentatively high profile on the Internet, which these days seems to be the most popular way among Neo-Nazi's to spread their hate and poison the minds of the young. In that respect it is certainly a menace against which all decent and fair minded people must be vigilant.

    So called "Nationalist" parties like the BNP who have a strong Neo-Nazi presence among their membership, do not help by giving these people a political platform and a party banner to rally around. Swastikas, Combat 18 signs, Nazi salutes and other Neo-Nazi symbolism is all too common at BNP organised events. Also, the amount of Neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic rhetoric among it's members and supporters who post on the web is inexcusable. Not a good image for a party which, at least in public, claims to base it's agenda on British patriotism.

    The impression I get from the media, is that Neo-Nazism still has has a strong presence in central Europe, and has been increasing in strength in eastern Europe since the fall of Communism. So it is probably more of a threat in those countries than in the UK. Particularly since many eastern European countries have only recently had a taste of democracy.

    It is perhaps surprising that France seems to have one of the biggest problems with Neo-Nazism in Europe these days. This is less surprising, however, when you consider that France also has one of the biggest immigrant populations to scape-goat, and that in the south of France (which had it's own puppet Fascist government during World War 2, rather than being occupied like the north), there still seems to be a relatively large minority of people who harbour right wing extremist views.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No - not until it has popular support. Russia has a lot of neo-nazis but I doubt they pose a real threat. With the homogonisation of politics with all politcal parties and politicians representing the same thing there is a danger that fringe groups will gain a following, espescially with the disenfranchisement that many people are feeling at the moment

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I doon't see Neo Nazism as big a threat as I do creeping toalittarianism. Today's Official Secrets act or Patriot act becoming tomorrow's basis for a new GehStaPo. The countries most at danger would be the ones newest to democracy, it may already have happened in Russia, and may in Byelorus and Ukraine.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think you need to look at why people turn to Neo-Nazism in the first place.

    The BNP gained greatly in its popularity in the UK in the wake of the 7/7 terror attacks, reports of Islamic Extremists in the UK, and poor, hard working people seeing immigrants being given what they see as priviledges (such as benefits, housing etc) which they themselves can't get - in their own country!

    It also gains popularity from people who mourn what they see as the loss of their own indigenous local and national culture in the face of multiculturalism.

    Neo-nazism feeds off these worries and concerns and if the Government want to avoid the upsurge in support for the Neo-Nazis, they need to do something about the problems which drive people into the arms of the far-right.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There is such a strong amount of rejection of nationalist socialist principles in so many societies they are not in any position to be sincere threat. Neo-Nazis are more of a contained social deviance, there are other hate groups that are given legal protection and portrayed as desirable that are much more threatening to Western civilization at this time.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is not the Neo-Nazis who are the danger, it is those who ignore them. Such as the Liberal media and politics. Why? Alienating the opion of ANY minority leads them into extreemist action.

    In the UK our 'Nazi's' are more likely to be found at a WW2 convention dressed as Himler - or at a 'riot-against-racism' gig. It is the right wing groups of central Europe where you will find the greatest propensity for 'white mischief'.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They like to think they are, but there are so few of them that they generate incredible little support at elections, both local and general.

    That's why they love the debate about immigration - they think it's a swing to their way of thinking. What they seem to forget is that Europeans of ALL nationalities fought against the Nazis in World War 2.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt the films Romper Stomper and American History X! Here in England theres a "National Front" although their a bit of a myth recently racist stickers have been plastered all over my area by them. Also in the 90's a nail bomber of "combat 18" called...erm..., bombed a club in Soho (gay district) and was planning to bomb a mosque (Muslim place of pray) Theres always gonna be a neo-nazism shame.

    Overall, in England theres the BNP!!! a nationalist party!

  • CRFI
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Neo Nazism reflets the desperation of Bourgoisie.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They're a racist nuisance and they're pretty dangerous if you happen to cross paths with them, but I don't think that they will ever become major political players. There aren't enough people who agree with their hate filled message for them to do that.

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