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Markus D fragte in HealthMental Health · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Do you hate going to bed cause you think sleep is a waste of time?

Well, I do. Sometimes. Although I have to get up early and I know I'm gonna be tired the next morning, I somehow don't want to go to sleep. It's not like I'm afraid of falling asleep like losing control or whatever. It's just that we sleep so much, and I really love being awake even though I'm kinda bored right now. Anyway, I don't want to / can't let go of the day. But I have to. Eventually. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about?


@manda: there should be extra hours in a day like 6 that can be spent doing whatever you want to do. Just like an extended night. I also don't mind the stores being closed during that time. Except for Ralphs. Just in case.

Update 2:

@peaches: why's dreamland interesting? You don't even remember most of the dreams, do you? It's like you fall asleep and the next moment you wake up and you lost several hours without even realizing it.

Update 3:

@fiVe: that's another point, I sometimes get the feeling that we only exist to work and sleep. Considering your working hours, you actually need some extra hours in a day more than others.

Update 4:

@didntgomyway: others might actually do nothing but sleep, but since you never know...

Update 5:

@dans_1962: I heard that you could actually lose weight during sleep... anyway, very interesting answer and thanks for sharing your story... when getting answers like yours I feel that sleeping indeed would be a waste

Update 6:

@bcat: exactly, maybe we should file a petition with the government or found a movement for the 30-hour-day or something like that

9 Antworten

  • smiles
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    A small percentage of people are afraid to go to sleep. I use to know a lady that I worked with at Del Taco back in 1983. She would never sleep. After work which would be around 12 am some of us would stay with her until 4 am. After thinking I don't know if she was afraid to sleep or felt like you did that sleeping is a waste of time. Some people don't sleep cuz of drugs. Some don't sleep cuz they know you can gain weight while sleeping. There's so many reasons why people don't sleep. I am one of them who will take forever to go to sleep. Like right now as I write it's 12:20 am PST and I have a doctor's appointment at 1 pm so I would need to get up at 8 am to take a shower and eat breakfast before doing my morning errands before this appointment. I sometimes don't like to go to sleep cuz I don't like the dreams I have or I just lay there in my bed trying to figure out what I need to do the next day. Before I get ready to go to bed which my normal bedtime would be around 11 pm I would start to clean my house or find a crossword book. Don't know if it has anything to do with age. I am 46. Well, some of my sleeping disorder can be from a truama I am dealing with right now. My Ex use to abuse me so I would never go to sleep when I was married. My EX is an addict. I would stay up late worried that he would be out doing drugs or get caught with drugs in our home. I don't do drugs. I would sleep when he was at work. I know long story but my sleep is just how I am so use to it. When I was younger I use to stay up until 2 am watching movies on TV. I was never a party girl unless my girlfriend was having a social party. I feel I just got use to staying up late or not going to sleep. As to feeling if it's a waste of time I don't know. Never had any thoughts about it before. Good observation and I will try seeing how it will do tonight. Sweet dreams....

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I totally agree. I have never heard anyone else voice this as me. I want the extra hours in the day not to work or sleep or eat, but to enjoy my life.

    Work, sleep. I want to watch a movie or play on the computer, etc. It has really kept me awake since a child.

  • fiVe
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, I have that problem, too. Especially since once I fall asleep I have a lot of trouble waking up. I hate feeling like all I do is work and sleep, so I avoid going to bed a lot of the time. It's the only way I can spend time with my boyfriend, too, since I work graveyard.

  • IMHO
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, I know exactly what you mean. There is always a bunch of other things you need/want to do before going to bed.

    It is better if you do get enough sleep every night though. You are generally much more alert, can think better and are in overall better health when you get enough sleep. Goodnight!

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something important. I never do, but it's so hard to go to sleep when I'm thinking about what I could do or what someone else might do. Even then it's not always a restful sleep.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I totally know what you mean! I love sleep, but I wish there were more hours in a day so I have more time to do things I need to do!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No. I go to sleep knowing that when I wake up in the morning I wont be tired, grumpy, and not have energy to actually get things done. Not sleeping is a waste of time in my opinion.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Dreamland is so much more interesting. It is definitely not a waste of time.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i love my sleep, it's a good use of time after a long day to refresh yourself

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