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Lv 4
bugz fragte in HealthMental Health · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Depression...How does it effect other family members?

A family member has recently being diagnosed with depression.. He's left his home,, doesn't know whether or not he'll go home...However wants to work things out with his spouse and young child... Is it beneficial for both parents to attend counselling..?

I need some feed back...

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Depression hurts everyone; especially the ones that have to watch their spouse hurt... Definitely both should go to counseling to know how to deal with this... Depression is a awful Disease and it takes friends and family to help one overcome this, and of course the man upstairs is also one to call upon......

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ,yes,, start with asking his doctor how to seek family counseling, and be as supportive as you can ,,, he Had's a chemical unbalance a med would help to lift that depression, wen you feel like that,,, you want to hide from the world,,,your, in pain and in a dark hole,,,that you cant get out until the med that he got put on, which i hope he did , takes effect , just re insure him that he will start feeling better soon ,and tell him your there for him , ive been there and im stable on meds , thank -god they have meds these days to help it might take awhile to find the right one or he might get lucky and hit the nail on the head ,,, figure of speech,,,, good luck there's so much out there now for us,,,

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i have friends and family who are depressed and it kind of bums me out being around them. i think the whole family should go if everyone feels comfortable with it, because its counseling. as far as i know, it never hurt anyone lol.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It will make your family sad... I have depression from school and family from where I live, your family just wants the best for you. Wel... for my family at least.

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