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Concerning Netiquette: being new to Yahoo, I have this question: why are the words s**t and f*** often spelled

the way I just did. Is it because otherwise, the question gets deleted or is it just some kind of shyness? In the last two days, I read questions of 12-year-olds who are afraid to have a STD, of people who sleep around, of people who make VERY sexist and rude comments and even of a guy who was insinuating to have intercourse with his pet. With all this, people won´t even spell out words, which are commonly used all over the world and yet they share all of their most intimate details? Is this bigottery or just some "community rule"? Really, I am serious about this.

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    That is a really good question. There are very few words that are considered "curse" words. These happen to fall into that category. Those are a couple of the words that just aren't allowed. Very similar to television, they can put soft core porn on a show during prime-time TV when our children are most likely watching, but they can NOT say s**t or f***. I guess it is just not proper. (I know...and bestiality is?) Who knows for sure what editors are thinking when they make the rules. Hope this has helped you to better understand. Again, good question, really got me thinking.

  • jas
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    it gets turned into all stars hell is ok but i think thats the only one cuz its a place u have to be careful its fun n all but u get violations n can get ur sh*t deleted very easily its gay but it has its good points very time consuming some people r @ssholes and all but u just ignore them ya kno its still like real life lol i abreviate alot if u cant tell its just and internet habit that got started when i was like 12 lol well enjoy n try not to get too easily offended

  • Pam H
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Read the community rules. It is all very clearly spelled out what is acceptable and what is not.

  • Weeza
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    if you write **** or **** it gets rid of the letters but if you write it like this: f uck or shi t then it wont....its not them its yahoo

    at the top of my answer i wrote fu ck properly without the space and yahoo automatically kicks it off and replaces it with stars, wen u answer a question type **** or **** and see how yahoo deletes it for you and replaces with stars, if you want to swear just add a space or dot in between e.g. s hit *****

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yea, I agree with you. People are just dumb. You have to go online expecting to expect everything from people. Try not to let it get to you.

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