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Favorisierte Antworten18%

I am a female human being thing, I like to have fun and lots of it, I work hard and play even harder. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and my long term boyfriend who I love to pieces. I like going out , reading, babysitting, eating out, walking along the beach (which isn't hard as I live next to it), going to The Field in Kent (one of my top places in the world). I work with children as a keyworker, I am a qualified Child Care Professional which is hard work but it is great to give parents and carers advise and seeing their child and them benefit from it. I like to go on holidays and go on adventures, I drive a 1.9 turbo diesel Renault 19 which is fun at the best of times. Email me if ya wana know anything or just want me!

  • Is there a difference between Cabrio and Cabriofix, is this why our Cabrio seat won't fit in the Easybase?

    We have just tried to fit our Cabrio car seat in to the Easybase we bought from Ebay, it doesn't seem to fit, we then noticed the very tiny difference in names 'Cabrio' and 'Cabriofix' and straight away thought the worst, I can't find any info on the net to say they are different but the Easybase always says 'Cabriofix' seats, does the Easybase only fit in to 'Cabriofix' seats and not 'Cabrio', is there a difference and why why why is it fair that these companies make these differences so tiny and difficult to notice?! Can anyone help, I'm due any day now and we bought these from Ebay so can't just take them back to the shop!

    1 AntwortSafetyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a difference between Cabrio and Cabriofix, is this why our Cabrio seat won't fit in the Easybase?

    We have just tried to fit our Cabrio car seat in to the Easybase we bought from Ebay, it doesn't seem to fit, we then noticed the very tiny difference in names 'Cabrio' and 'Cabriofix' and straight away thought the worst, I can't find any info on the net to say they are different but the Easybase always says 'Cabriofix' seats, does the Easybase only fit in to 'Cabriofix' seats and not 'Cabrio', is there a difference and why why why is it fair that these companies make these differences so tiny and difficult to notice?! Can anyone help, I'm due any day now and we bought these from Ebay so can't just take them back to the shop!

    1 AntwortNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is Thorpe Park very busy at Bank Holidays?

    We plan on going next week but I can't decide whether to go Monday 5th May 08 (bank holiday) or the next day which is Tuesday 6th May.

    On a Thorpe Park related website it has a page about quickest que times and it also shows the best times to go, it says that bank holidays are quiet but do you think the Tuesday would be better as everyone is back to work and school etc, I would have thought the bank hol Monday would be busier than the normal Tuesday.

    We plan on going to the park then staying in the Travel Lodge near by and going home the next day.

    Anyone got any clues about which day would be best to go e.g. less ques, not as busy etc?


    1 AntwortAmusement Parksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone tried legal highs?

    Has anyone tried

    * 'Euphori-E Happy Caps

    * Smileys or Beanz

    * Funk Pills The Big Grin

    For anyone who has tried them how did they make you feel?

    Mainly to people who haven't touched proper drugs, normally just drink alcohol but decided to try legal highs.

    Do they have a recovery time e.g. like a hangover, is it worse than a hangover etc

    Any weird behaviours, good points, bad points etc

    3 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone tried legal highs?

    Has anyone tried

    * 'Euphori-E Happy Caps

    * Smileys or Beanz

    * Funk Pills The Big Grin

    For anyone who has tried them how did they make you feel?

    Mainly to people who haven't touched proper drugs, normally just drink alcohol but decided to try legal highs.

    Do they have a recovery time e.g. like a hangover, is it worse than a hangover etc

    Any weird behaviours, good points, bad points etc

    9 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would you say £60 for a 14ft trampoline that is 3 years old is good....?

    ...Or bad when I can get a 13ft one from Argos brand new for £100.

    The 14ft second hand one has a picture of that type of trampoline but not actual picture of the one they own, also we are going to that location tomo anyway so it isn't going to be a problem picking it up. Looking at the picture it seems to be just the average garden trampoline that takes max 100kg and I want it for a party weekend in our big field.

    My boyfriend thinks I should just get the 13ft one cause it not much more and it's brand new, I emailed the person saying would they take less and they said to make a sensible offer, what do you guys think? Thank You!

    Oh and it's going to be adults using it, not more than one at a time though especially when we will have been drinking (yeh I know it's not sensible but hey)


    2 AntwortenOther - Outdoor Recreationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would you say £60 for a 14ft trampoline that is 3 years old is good?

    ...Or bad when I can get a 13ft one from Argos brand new for £100.

    The 14ft second hand one has a picture of that type of trampoline but not actual picture of the one they own, also we are going to that location tomo anyway so it isn't going to be a problem picking it up. Looking at the picture it seems to be just the average garden trampoline that takes max 100kg and I want it for a party weekend in our big field.

    My boyfriend thinks I should just get the 13ft one cause it not much more and it's brand new, I emailed the person saying would they take less and they said to make a sensible offer, what do you guys think? Thank You!

    Oh and it's going to be adults using it, not more than one at a time though especially when we will have been drinking (yeh I know it's not sensible but hey)


    3 AntwortenOther - Games & Recreationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anyone give me any advise as to where to get my tattoo's?

    I already have one, a star on my left shoulder, I want another sun star type thing and I think I want it on my right leg on the side but then I want another tattoo (smaller) in writing, I am seriously thinking about getting 'This Hurt' in a really special font because it's my sort of humour, or I was thinking of getting 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' because it actually as some meaning and it would be funny, but where can I get the writing done, I want it to be seen but not really obviously so on my arms wouldn't be good, any ideas?

    Also any ideas for fonts would be good although I have found loads just hope the tattooist can do them.

    10 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anyone help me find this tattoo font?

    If you go to this website

    and scroll down to the one that is just before the last tattoo picture, it says 'la pura verita' with 'the simple truth' underneath the pic, that is the font I really like but I don't know where to find it or how to get it so I can type what I want.

    Can you help?


    3 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm so broody it's making me feel very down?

    I work in Maternity and see pregnant women everyday, new born babies nearly everyday and women giving birth, I have been broody for a couple of years but over the last few months it has got worse. I began working with children years ago and have worked with every age range up to 8 years, I have been in many different areas including a home family setting and I know children and babies don't just look cute they are hard work. This broodyness isn't just a passing phase and today I have actually been ccrying, my boyfriend of nearly 2 and a half years knows about my problem and we talked about it again today, he says he doesn't want a child yet as he is 21 and I will be in June also we don't live together yet he also says you should have more money,I would like to start in 2 years wen we r livin 2gether but how do I stop this pain it's like an obsession,cud it b my hormones (I'm on da pil&carried on2 the 2nd pack instead of missin4 seven days, also on steroid4Asthma...cud this b y?

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A debate about hypothermia at the time of conception?

    Ok so we were watching Titanic and Kate and Jack have had sexual intercourse, then a few hours later Kate is freezing with most probable hypothermia, I said to my friend "Do you think she goes on to have Jack's baby?" and he answered with "No how could it survive when the Mother is freezing in the Atlantic Oceon!" Now we had a long debate, I believed that the egg and sperm have only just really started doing their thing and so the egg would survive, also even if it was an Embryo it could still survive because the warmth is kept near the center of the body, he disagreed and said "She has icycles on her hair!" Lol

    So I've done some research on google and all I have learnt which I already new is that the 'baby' is still only really an egg and how can the egg die if it would survive in her body anyway?

    So is there any doctors or midwives or anyone who can tell me if Kate WAS pregnant by only a few hours would her 'baby' survive her ordeal? Thanks

    6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it my fault and what would you do or react like as a parent?

    Ok so I have been workin in a pre school part time and I began babysitting for a couples only child, 4 years old, it all went well and I worked very hard, playing with the little boy and helping his development just like any professional in child care would do, I made sure he was safe and we had fun, 1 time I read him a story andhe fell aslep in his bed which his parents said was really good4him as they can neva get him2do that. When his parents got bac we wud chat (they wud tel me about their lives)4 sumtimes a gud hour ova my time of bein paid;I didnt mind&1 time I made sum playdough4the child so we cud play with it. Recently ova xmas i have bin very busy,myboyfriends Dad is very ill,I have got a new fultime job wiv NHS,lots of parties&sayn gudbye2 my old job, for the last, I wud say 3 times, I have had2let them down,they wud txt and I wud txt sayin I had plans bcus of bein busy,now they av just txt seemin annoyed&sed 'do we agree that we need a new babysitter'. Am I in da wrong?

    3 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I found a coin when I was a child, wondering if anyone can help me?

    I would like2know what this coin is:It has around the outside sum strange lookin letters with this symbol--> : (the 2 dots I just typed) every so often between letters,then anuva circle seperating the writing from the pic with tiny dots too and in the center on one side lots of circles joined by some sort of swirly lines which looks a lot like a vine then next to it ther is what looks like 6 arrows on each side of the rope wrapping them , that sort of look: =I= but obviously with six on each end with arrow heads and more real obviously lol, the line I typed is tryin to show the bonding wrappin them together. Then on the otherside writing again then the next circle seperating writing and picture, the picture in the middle looks like what i can only think is a gate with lots of different segments which have different patterns inside the gate. I have seen 1 dat looks a little similar at this website on the magazine cover:

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Tattoos? Help!?

    I was just intrigued how it is that people do their own tattoos, I have spoke to a few people who did the tattoo themselves or a friend did, I understand it isn't such a safe idea as they aren't qualified professionals but HOW do they do they just use pen ink...what do they do?

    Next question; my boyfriend says he doesn't want me to get another tattoo and the fact that he doesn't like it means I should take his view into account and if I just got one done it wouldn't be very nice for him, I really want another tattoo on my ankle (a small flower thingy) and he sometimes says maybe but mostly no, his parents don't like tattoos and we kinda agreed that if he doesn't get a motorbike I won't get a tattoo, I've said I would never STOP him getting a motorbike or stop him doing things I just wouldn't like it and he said exactly that's why you shouldn't get a tattoo...anyway what should I do to make him come round (seen as though it was his design that I want done)?


    5 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is anyone getting abuse emails from this person?

    oconnell011 This person keeps emailing me for no reason calling me things and being really abusive, I blocked him but I complained loadsa times and nothing seems to be done, anyone got the same problem?

    11 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Olanzapine (Zyprexa) I've just been prescribed it for Bipolar Disorder?

    Doc took me off Risperidone (another anti psychotic) and put me on Olanzapine, I've read it has larger weight gain than Risperidone also I am on 5mgs for 3 days and then up to 10mgs, anyone been on this, what was your experience. I'm on it for Bipolar Disorder.

    9 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would you say that not caring about how you look is a good thing or bad?

    Some people don't care what they look like and some do, some care so much their life is taken up with having to straighten and slap make up on sometimes 4 times a day and some people they can wake up and walk out of the house without even brushing their teeth.

    Do you think not caring is a gift or a bad thing, wouldn't you think that feeling confident and free to not worry about what other people see you looking like is good, but what if it goes too far and their is no pride anymore?

    What do you think about 'fake' people and do you agree they are actually very insecure about themselves so must cover up with lots of make up and perfect hairstyles to because they feel showing the real them would be far to scary?

    What's you feelings on all of this, do you cover up or do you just not care and what is the real reason for how you make yourself look?

    11 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When does a Pyschiatrist think you should be placed in a mental hospital?

    If someone is told they have signs of psychosis, a mood effective disorder and obsessive compulsions then gets placed on antipsychotics, the person still goes out and drinks on a night out whilst on the drug, the person, (bearing in mind had read that it is a bad idea to stop taking medication) one day stops taking the antipsychotic and becomes quickly manic again and feels better for doing things like taking a lot of caffeine pills to get a buzz for example and just feels happier, then almost 'comes round to their senses' because notices severe mood changes again and decides to take the antipsychotics after all, the person doesnt feel very stable and wants to 'change' things a lot so does things like stops medication to change themselves etc. Is this the sort of time a Psychiatrist would think about sending the patient to a hospital for care or does that not happen anymore, if the person feels they need more support.Any info wud b helful...also do you HAVE to go to a hospital if told?

    20 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is it that Yahoo's email says MAY expire?

    When your question is going to expire which obviously will definetly happen, why is it that Yahoo says 'Your question MAY expire in 48 hours' it perhaps that it MAY expire UNLESS you extend it? Perhaps then shouldn't they change it to 'Your question will expire unless you extend it'

    What do you guys think?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I just stuck my finger in?

    Whilst moving my mouse I accidently stuck my right, little finger in my Venus Fly Traps water filled dish, it dripped on the computer table (or big slab or kitchen unit resting on two units) so I wiped the underside tip of my little finger on the bottom side of the computer table (or big slab or kitchen unit resting on two units). My finger is slightly damp but quickly drying and...yes the bottom of the computer table (or big slab or kitchen unit resting on two units), is still wet and now the palm of my right hand where I just wiped the bottom of my computer table (or big slab or kitchen unit resting on two units). Well what do I do now? Has anyone else ever came across this phenomenon, or more interestingly has anyone done the same at the same precise moment which is difficult to tell but roughly?

    14 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt