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What name is appropriate for someone who respects and follows all of Scripture?

As a class "Christians" ignore the first 2/3 of Scripture, and Jews the last 1/3. I am told with considerable emphasis that "messianic Jew" is not inclusive, but an oxymoron. So what is the correct term for those trying to follow all of the "Word of YHVH"?

18 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    A "true" believer!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A Christian who believes in the full gospel. A Christian must know both the Old and the New Testament and rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). It is important to know the differences and the implications between the law of Moses and grace and truth has come through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). The church and the New Covenant become operative from the day of Pentecost.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I would offer - "believer".

    It would follow that all believers "respect" all of Scripture, but understand that no one follows ALL of Scripture. No one can. (except One)

    Also, only ignorant Christians ignore the first 2/3 of Scripture and ignorant Jews the last 1/3. But, I know EXACTLY what you say.

    I tried to get a Catholic friend of mine into my Bible study for 3 years until one day he showed up. We have this little thing we do where we "bounce" all over the Bible trying to confirm and rationalize the Word of God. (Scripture answers Scripture!) After about one hour this guy was just looking down into his Bible and not even moving. When I asked him what was wrong, he looked up, help up his Bible with both hands, tears streaming down his face and he said - "This is all one book!" We all started to cry for the Holy Spirit was with us and one more person came to realize the Truth of Scripture.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Reads Acts 2:42 They continue in the Apostles doctrine, That is what I follow, Because they not only talk about salvation, but they also quoted OT propehcies, I don't have a membership book signed at any church, Because my name was written in the Book of life not the night I got saved, but before the foundation of the world, It just took me until 1970 to know that I was lost & that I needed God in my life. If you want to say let's put a name to my beliefs, it will be non-denominational Apostolic Pentacostal. Not by membership, but by experince.

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  • lemmer
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    Genesis 19:8 grow to be no longer authorized via God Leviticus 24:sixteen stoning to loss of existence grow to be the punishment for the old covenant (no longer the hot covenant) Deut 23:a million mutilation made them unclean and weren't popular

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A made! Because he should look for the prophet of his generation. See John 6:28-29 and follow this link bellow to discover the message of this time.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A full gospel Born Again Christian......

    YOu and I are always on the same page, and I love it.

    This is awesome, absolutely awesome.

    WE have the whole Bible and it all fits together, the old T and the new T to fit together like a giant puzzle with the full glorious plan of God. The more you study and pray, the more you will see the direct connection between the old and the new. WE cant have one without the other. or we are missing a huge part of Gods truth.

    If we dont have piece A of the puzzle to fit into piece B, then that section of the puzzle can never be complete.

    God did not send Jesus to abolish the law, but to fullfill it. THe old Law still points to sin, of what is sin and what all it causes. And it isnt just the old law that matters in the old t. The whole theme of what God wants and what most ppl do and the horror it brings, is all thru the bible, yet we see those that obey God, and the blessings that come from obedience.

    Jesus came to save us from our sin sick selves, and when born again, we will have His nature and mind, and be like Him, ITs all tha tmatters and we will do as He did. WHen one claims to be a born again Christian, yet they dont live and think and speak like Jesus, they are kidding only themselves. God knows the heart and only the pure of heart will see Him and enter the kingdom. PPL say, oh thata legalism and thats old T thinking. No, its Bible thinking, God thinking. Jesus obeyed the father unto perfection and we are commanded to do the same. We have been given a Holy Spirit that shows us just how to do it, and empowers us thru obedience, to do all God said to do. ITs about giving up our will for Gods will and living for Him.

    When ppl call obedience legalism, they just simply dont yet know and understand. Obedience is only legalism when ppl do it to try and earn their way into Heaven. A true born again Christian knows you cant buy or earn your way into heaven, the gift is FREE. But, Jesus came that we may be overcomers over all sin and we are commanded to IF YOU LOVE ME< OBEY ME> That never changed at the cross. Blood atonment did, but that old law is what points to sin, and gives us that law now to point into our hearts and minds, and now we have a better law, a great law, even better than the first. First is still there, yep, just no more blood atonment. BUt, now, we not only dont DO those things, we dont even think the thoughts of them. Why would God tell us to put them in our hearts and minds, if they didnt matter? The new Covement is about love of God and others, as well as ourself. To love everyone. And, when we love as God loves, we wont break the commands of God, because to break them not only shows no love for God, but no love for ourselves or our fellow man.

    God is love, and we are called to be exactly the same.

    So, what is a person called that respect and follows all of scripture????

    a full gospel Born Again Christian.

    Theres no other way folks, and I count it all as Joy.

    I thank you for such a wonderful question again, we are so much on the same page.

    I ask God daily to bless you. in all ways to overflow, you and your famlily. Hang in there, Jesus is coming soon.

    When God says WELL DONE MY FAITHFUL SERVANT< that will be the happiest day of our lives.

    Nothing or noone can take that from a true Born again Christian. FUll GOSPEL ALL THE WAY. meaning we know , believe and obey it all, from the first page of scripture to the last. amen

    Quelle(n): God, The Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit REMEMBER JESUS IS LORD>
  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Keeping to heart the 2 Timothy 3:16 scripture which says "ALL scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, that the man of God may be fully competent, fully equipped for every good work."

    We are Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A follower of Jesus Christ.

    Full Gospel believer.

    It's the Whole Bible or none of it.

    Quelle(n): The Holy Bible (all of it) Jesus is Lord.
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    That's supposedly what a Christian fundamentalist does. But since it's an impossible task, they end up just following the parts they like and finding justifications for why the other parts don't need to be followed.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    A true human. religion is only different versions and methods to reach god.Every religion has its strengths and weaknesses. So why not follow the good of all the religions. Its good to find that someone share my thoughts.

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