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Anyone can tell me some jokes about british class, please?

I'm doing a presentation about british class system whereby one part of it broaches the issue of british humour.

I'd be really glad if one could send me some jokes dealing with this topic.

thanks a lot..

6 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    An American goes boating on a lake over in England and loses his oars. Just then a Britisher rows by with two women. The American says"Would you lend me one of your oars"?

    The Britisher replies"Ones´s me wife and the others me mother-in-law"

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Everytime we sneeze, a number of our recommendations cells die. The roar that we pay attention, as quickly as we place a seashell next to our ear - isn't the sea, yet somewhat the sound of blood - surging in the process the veins in our ear. In a deck of enjoying cards, each and every king represents a great king from historic past. Spades = David, golf equipment = Alexander the great, Hearts = Charlemagne, Diamond = Caesar. comedian tale. An economist visits his previous college and asks his professor to tutor some modern-day examination questions. To his marvel, they're precisely the comparable ones which he had responded 10 years in the past! whilst he asks approximately this, the professor says"Questions are consistently the comparable - in user-friendly terms the solutions exchange".

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There was a classic two ronnies sketch which had, them and John cleese, stood in a row. referencing the height variation as a level of class. If you can dig that out its a good start.

    Monty python also did a lot of class sketches. You tube it there's a few on there.

  • Clint
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There was a sketch on a 60's program with the two ronnies and Jonh Cleese.

    Go to Google and search for the clip there.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    An English lord ask his servant to go and water the plants on the estate grounds.

    'But its raining mi-lord' says the servant

    'So sorry old chap' says the Lord 'here, borrow my umbrella'

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