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what is time?

I have posed this question in two parts because of its length. I am getting responses from answerers who have read only one part. Please read both parts in order, I would like to get some serious responses, not remarks based on incomplete information. Both parts are on this site but they are posted out of sequence. Thank you.

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    HAHA this brings back memories! I answered this question and 'What is time travel' for a science project in 8th grade! It went really well other then it was supposd to have been 4 minutes long and it was 23 minutes. I got a really good grade on it though (not that I remember what it was ... i just know it was a A- or better). I went around interviewing people for there oppiun of time and time travel. I got a lot of different answers but I believe,

    Time is something man made that is really a fragment of something bigger. It is broken down for us to comprehend and it is not basded on the sun as some believe. It is something total indapendent of the sun. If everything (people, animal's, the rotation of the earth and unavires) stopped I still think that time is still going.

    Time travel in my opiuon will never be posable. This is because no mader how fast you go the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, milasecond, fragment of the milasecond, etc, can still be broken up, it would just be farther then we've ever gone. The fastest we've ever been.

    Plus, if we ever were able to go back in time we would just be creating a circle. You would make the same event happen over and over. If you were sending yourself back in time, then you would go back until your light, or you, started... your own birth. Then the time would contiue to go back until the time you set it to. 'Time' would then play out exactly how it did the first time then it would get back to were you sent yourself back and again you would be sent back to your birth and this sycal would never stop.

    I hope this ups.

    Quelle(n): My research. AKA my opion!
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    it looks like u're talking about anti-time thing, i have never heard such thing before "anti-time" but once i was watching discovery channel there were a documentry about "anti-matter".....oh and that was really confusing.

    and dude i have given my answers just check them up :)


  • vor 6 Jahren

    Time is our perception of causation.

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