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Ilusion fragte in Family & RelationshipsFriends · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

A question for people living in Tucson, AZ?

I have a friend that is having serious money issues. I asked him if there weren't any kind of office that could help him. This was his reply. What do you think?

There are all kinds of places that are willing to help you if you're a recovering drug or alcohol user. There are all kinds of places that will help you if you're an illegal alien and/or don't speak English. But.... If you're an American Citizen with a good education and a history of employment, you're on your own.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


He is quite old, he can't find easily a job. He has even worked for a while as a gardner although he is a very well-educated man, and a very bright one. Of course, finding a job would be great but what in the meantime?

Update 2:

His water off was shutted off a week ago, his light would be shutting off today, he has got an eviction notice. His van is broken and has been broken for at least a month. All is a disaster. I haven't asked him about that, but I think that he is starving.

1 Antwort

  • diablo
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I live in Tucson, but I'm not quit sure what you are asking. I mean if he's having money issues then he needs to find a better paying job period.

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