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? fragte in Family & RelationshipsFriends · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Can I break up with my best friend?

I know this question sounds stupid. We often break up with girlfriends/boyfriends but can we break up with our best friend? Is this even possible? I know its mean and it probably makes me look like an asshole. I know it would be too hard for her because shes been my best friend for about 6 years but sometimes its just best for both. We just dont get along anymore, we just dont understand eachother anymore and most of al she doest understand me at all. I think its because im 2 years older than her and because I moved away from home a year ago and I know I changed a lot since then. I know I changed and she didnt so its really my fault and it wouldnt be fair to just say goodbye to her because I changed. I know that Im really important for her, she needs me but I dont need her anymore. I know it sounds rude but what can I do? Have you ever been in a situation like this? What would you do?


Before I moved I didnt really notice that she was so much younger and now its so obvious. I think I got older and shes still a kid. And shes so complicated and Im not anymore. Its so hard to life with that attitude of her that I used to love because I was the same back then but now I changed. I think we could be friends again in about five years...maybe..but right now it just doesnt work. But how can I tell her this?

Update 2:

I cant just let it drift apart. Im trying for about 3 years but I wont work because she always calls me. Shes the one who kept this friendship together since the beginning. You know shes that person, if you once have her youll never get rid of her. Its almost impossible to just get away from her without more dramatic methods.

Update 3:

No I dont believe in god and I do think that two years are a lot when Im 16 and shes 14 but thank you

Update 4:

Wait... I want to risk the friendship I mean I dont want this friendship anymore. I dont wanna ask if we can still be friends. We are friends and thats exactly what I cant be. I dont wanna be friends anymore, I dont wanna see her anymore, but I just cant do this to her...

7 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Its best to be honest and upfront about it instead of giving her the "silent" treatment. I know this may sound harsh, but the two of you aren't speaking to each other anymore and your friendship with her is drifting apart. You need to talk to her and tell her how you feel. Stand up for yourself! You deserve better than that and you deserve to be understood and respected! Besides, nothing good came out of your friendship with her anyway, so you might as well go your separate ways! Good luck!

    Quelle(n): Personal experience. My ex-best friend doesn't understand and respect me, so I ended my friendship with her.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Keep yourself occupied with stuff to do so you have excuses not to see her. Perhaps the job you are working at can give you some over time work. Or perhaps you could go to church on Sundays. Go to parties on Fridays and Saturdays. Take vacation trips. Don't break off the relationship, just kind of let it drift for a while. When you feel you are ready to continue your friendship contact her and talk about hooking up somewhere. Of course the other alternative is when you move or go to other places you will probably meet other people that you will become acquaintances with or even friends and they over time will let you forget about your friend. Eventually she will forget you as well and there's no heartbreak really. Eventually she will meet new people also and mature about the situation. If you believe in God, perhaps ask Him what you should do or ask a family member or someone else you confide in that you think could help you. Maybe talk to a pastor or church couselor. There's a Bible verse that says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Perhaps if you ask God to help you with the problem he will give you the strength to do what you feel is necessary. Other than that there's probably something I could recommend doing. Take 2 pieces of paper and on one write "Being Friends" on one page and "Ending Friendship" on the other. On the front pages write pros and on the back pages write cons. Weigh out the two and then make a decision from there. I will pray that you have the strength to make the right decision, whatever that might be.

    Quelle(n): This source has some things you could say to end a friendship. See if it can help.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i have a friend, my best friend of 20 years. we are from different social surroundings and financial background. but we maintain friendship through phone calls and visits. sometimes i feel she is a pain in the neck. then what i do is remove myself from her for a short time. then we both forget gradually what was irritating us. then we restart as if nothing has happened.she also does the same thing when she gets hurt by my actions. we sort of understand each other. best friends are indeed rare. if you really think she is worth keeping, then , you have to come down a bit and reassure her.she must be feeling some sort of complex at your new avatar. 2 years difference is nothing in friendship.

    sorry girl, as you are determined to break it. so break it and dissappear from scene. at 16 years - you cannot know the value of a good friend.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've been there. and yes i "broke up" with my best friend of 20 years! we had been best friends since we were babies. But people grow up and I just kept thinking that if we had met now, i would never have been friends with her. we were living together at the time and were fighting a lot. so, i finally made the decision to pack up my things and leave. It was actually more like a divorce at that point. We divided everything up from the past 20 years and that was that. we still see each other from time to time because our brothers are friends. And it is like seeing an ex, we are nice to each other but its a little awkward.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Okay, first of all this is possible...but you could be risking your friendship, just think it important is the friendship and could it ever be patched up if broken? if you decide to break up with her then be ready for the tears and heartbreak that will prbly follow...but be sure to tell her your reasoning and ask if you can still be friends. Good Luck

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    yes, this happens,but don't t tell your friend. just let the friendship drift apart. don't call or make plans to be together. just stay busy with your own life and she will find new friends.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sometimes that happens. You'd have to say that you're not his friend anymore.

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