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6 Antworten
- aimeeme_gLv 5vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
You can meditate. That helps me. Or you could go get a massage once a week or once a month or so. It's fantastic! You can get great massage for half the price at a school. Good luck!
Quelle(n): Training to be a LMT (licensed massage therapist) - Billy ButtheadLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
The average young,healthy adult checks the position of their muscles 12 times per second,this includes balance.
In a stressed condition this 12 hertz signal disappears causing tension on all the muscles.
It can cause continuous fatigue, among other things.
You can restore this unstressed condition by successively relaxing individual muscle,beginning at the extremities and proceeding to the larger muscles.
It takes time and practice but like any physical activity it requires dedication.
Give it a try and good luck.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
There are tons of activities one can do. Exercising is a major stress release. One can also do Yoga, Tai Chi or even concentrated breathing (breathing to the beat of your heart.) The best thing to do is google ways to relieve stress. There are so many things out there.. I only wish that I could do the same and lose some stress. Two things you shouldn't do to relieve stress: smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol.
Quelle(n): personal experience from looking online/ personal experience - Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
For going to sleep this works for me sometimes: starting with toes and working up, tighten the muscles in part of your body as much as you can without moving and count to ten then relax. Move up to the next group and do the same thing.
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- Anonymvor 4 Jahren
once you're reading pay your finished interest. Then that's going to take lesser time. And while the learn is over do no longer think of over issues and short-comings regardless of you have in it. bypass away it to your subsequent consultation! throughout rest hours do regardless of you like. It varies from people to people. yet do no longer interact your self in something that's a toll to your recommendations. you will pay attention to song, watch television or maybe you might have a nap.