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Stupid question from Germany...? ever... my Daughter is 9 Years old - I' look for a nice Familly to change our Childs. My Daughter has to learn English, and your Kid could to learn German - the most spoken Language in Europe. Please send me a Message, if u intrested in...

Only nice Peoples accepted...



13 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Why would you offer your child here on the Internet and possibly endanger her to some pedophile????

    Please send your daughter with an organized "exchange student group" to England or wherever.

    My parents send me always to England during the vacation time and I lived with a british family for a month and I went there to school. That was fun and SAFE!

    MY parents used the "kath.Ferienwerk" organisation. (

    Quelle(n): Also check this group:
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If you really want your daughter to learn English, take her to Malta, Ireland or the UK during holidays. Or send her to a boarding school in the UK for a year. This is a much better and safer route. I would never ever give my child into the care of a stranger I met over the internet! A 9-year old is in a total different situation than a 16 year old going abroad with an exchange program. Either you are really stupid or a troll. I'm inclined to think the latter.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You're right. It IS a stupid question. So sorry, really. But using Yahoo to try and find a place to send your daughter?? There are exchange student programs that are LEGITIMATE and they investigate potential exchange parents to ensure you're not sending your daughter to a child molestor..... or to make sure you are not a pedophile.

    REALLY not the smartest thing to do Redbug.

    Also, when your daughter is 11 years old and in Gymnasium, she will start the more advanced English. My daughter started learning English in school at age 10. Now her class is getting pretty advanced. No need to send your daughter away just to learn English. It will come in school and if it's THAT important to you, go to the Volkshofschule (or however that's spelled) for a class or advertise in your local town paper that you are seeking an English tutor for your child. I tutor 4 people regularly in my area (for free).

  • Watsit
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This isn't the safest way of finding a family to help with a swap?!

    You really need to be careful of paedophiles, etc, as that is an open ticket to them!

    Check with your daughter's school and see if they could help you.

    They might be able to find out through schools local to the area you want her to go to, a family that is likely to be safe and pleasant.

    You could also do checks with social services and police before you send her to another country where you wouldn't be on hand to protect her!

    I hope this helps!

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My child is 25, can I send him for your 9 yo? Or is that a stupid question?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ja ist die eine dumme und gefährliche Frage für dieses Forum.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Was für ein Quatsch! Englisch wird mittlerweile ab der 3. Grundschulklasse unterrichtet und wird aber der 5. Klasse auch benotet! In was für eine Schule geht deine Tochter denn? Und ist es einer 9-jährigen wirklich zuzumuten, "ausgetauscht" zu werden? Da du gut Englisch sprichst würde ich es zuhause ab und zu mal sprechen. Das mache ich mit meinen Kids auch so. Und schaut euch einen zweisprachigen Film doch mal im Original an!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    also die Leute hier ham recht, schau nach ner organisation oder flieg nach usa, england... und mach dort freunde aber ganz ehrlich, wer schickt sein kind in eine fremde familie in ein anderes land, die er im inet kennengelernt hat..??

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You said it stupid question like I would send my child to you!! You could be a pervert for all I know!! Never going to happen !!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    there's no need to exchange children just to learn languages... just let your child go to an english school with english subject... that's it.

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