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What are the differences between classical and rock music?

1 Antwort

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    The most obvious difference between the two are the types of instruments used. Classical music mainly uses older instruments and they tend to be acoustic while rock uses mostly electric guitars and drums. Rock music is played to a strong beat. Rock music often has lyrics while classical music usually doesn't. Another big difference is that classical music was mostly written at a time when people would go to performances for an entire evening so compositions typically are that long while rock songs are rarely more than 15 minutes long. I know, people who hate rock music will complain that it's loud, crude, and mostly noise. My father-in-law used to complain that you couldn't understand what the singers were saying. People who don't like classical music say it's boring and that you hear the same things over and over again. It is possible to like both forms of music, especially if you have musical training. My daughter, who plays cello, likes both rock and classical music. She likes the energy of rock music and the intricate subtleties of classical music.

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