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i need to know a good agency that recuit nurses from Philippines to US..?
I have 2 sisters in the philippines that are both nurses and they want to go to US as a nurse.what are the requirements in order for them to qualify to be a nurse in US? do they nees to pass the board exam here or they just need to pass the NCLEX...pls help
2 Antworten
- Anonymvor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
Visit these sites:
and aslo this one
I know these would be a big help to you.
- KojakLv 7vor 1 Jahrzehnt
There are nursing recruiting teams from America in the Philippines all the time. Have your sisters contact their school counselors for leads. Also go to the best nursing schools in their area and try o link up there. Recruiting teams usually contact the Nursing Departments in the recruiting areas. You also have nursing placement companies in America who will help you get them in-country.