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Shoes-Off in Churches?

In most churches in the west, people keep their shoes on in church, unlike in Islamic mosques or Hindu temples. However, in some countries like India or Japan, Christians take their shoes off in churches.

If you are a Christian, what would you think about your church having a shoes-off rule?

If you are not a Christian, would you feel comfortable visiting a church where you had to take your shoes off?

28 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    In japan they take their shoes off in houses and in school as well!

    I think its a good idea beacuse it keeps the floor clean.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In the U.S., many church sanctuaries are only heated when services are about to occur, since they are comparatively little-used during the week. Taking one's shoes off would be a good way to get frostbite!

    Religiously speaking, churches are not considered "holy ground" as mosques are; they're simply places where people meet for worship. That being the case, there's no religious necessity for removing one's shoes.

    I'm Jewish, and generally don't have occasion to be in any church. While I'd certainly follow the local custom, I wouldn't go as a visitor into a church that was shoeless unless I had no other choice.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I take my shoes off, but they are right by me. Once when visiting a church in Florida, I removed my shoes. They were sandals that were broken, but it was my only pair, I was homeless. I went forward after the service for prayer and when I returned to my seat my shoes were gone. Could not find them anywhere. I went to pick up my children and was telling the lady there that I could not find my shoes. She proceeded to take hers off and gave them to me. She also gave me $20 to buy food. I will never forget this lady.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If I knew beforhand so that I could have on some good socks... why not... not a problem for me.

    I saw on TV about a Christian church for nudists... if it was as presented I would not have a problem even going that far... lot of variables to be sure... I see no reason for many of the "dress codes" that seem to control so many "churches" and congregations.... I am of the "come as you are" long as you can behave yourself

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If the culture requests shoes off inside a building, then shoes off. It doesn't violate anything in Scriptures.

    I just hope I get a matching set when I leave ;-}

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It would be interesting. It reminds me of in the Old Testament when God told Moses to take off his shoes because he was on holy ground. But it might make people feel uncomfortable... and if someone's got really smelly feet it would be hard to focus on the worship.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In the East, people have cleaner feet. In the West our feet stink.

    I would go for a shoes off rule if we first create a odor-eater rule.

    Quelle(n): Conversations with a 2 year old New Balance running shoe
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    We don't generally remove our shoes in our Sunday meetings, but we have done so in some of our prayer meetings, as we feel we are on holy ground with the presence of God. If anyone wants to go unshod in church it would not be seen as strange, and if my church asked us to do it, which it won't, I would probably be happy with it.

  • merkl
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    the recent testomony teaches no longer something approximately everywhere the place Christians worship at the same time as being holy. Even the main holy place interior the Temple, shrouded around by thick curtains, advance into for the 1st time ripped open by God for all to gaze upon whilst Jesus died on the bypass. It signified Jesus had made a thank you to the daddy God open by way of Hs gospel, because of the fact of His shed blood. Like already pronounced, each and each believer has the Holy Spirit interior us representing God, making us temples of the Spirit. this is why none of prefer to be stumbled on defiling the physique or recommendations with the wickedness of this recent worldwide equipment. My presence on your college room does not make the situation holy. one million Peter one million:[15] "yet as he which hath pronounced as you is holy, so be ye holy in all way of verbal substitute; [sixteen] while you evaluate that's written, Be ye holy; for i'm holy." "verbal substitute" is from Gr. anastrophe, Eng. habit. Christians have not considered one of these jap custom appropriate to removing of trainers, having no commandment for that. God is extra watchful of what's 'on my coronary heart', deep interior me, that would defile me if spoken out of my mouth.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't see what shoes on or off have to do with worshiping God. If a church requires one or the other, it would seem to me that they've missed the point. God doesn't care what we wear to church.

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