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Christians: What proof do you have of God's existence?

Christians, supporters of intelligent design, theists! What proof beyond any doubt do you have:

1. of your god's existence?

2. that the Bible really is his word resp. is inspired by him?

Don't come up with such cr.. like it's said in the Bible and therefore the Scriptures ARE inspired by god.

Which real proof beyond any doubt do you have for your beliefs and propositions. Apart from what is said in Bible or from any private revelations you may think to have received of god.



Of course you're right. So the answer to the question is open to supporters of any religion.

Update 2:

@the comp...

Of course you're right. However they act as if they had proof beyond any doubt for their beliefs. I just wanted to that their beliefs are unfounded, and to make them critically rethink their faith, how futile that may ever be.

16 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    thats a reali interesting question. im not christian, im buddhist, and there is proof buddha may exist but since ur question concerns christians...

    i think it is belief, and the stories are so enchanting, intricate, linked, and detailed it sounds almost real, thus reinforcing faith and belief, love, hope, and charity.

    there is no way anyone can prove it. you wudnt belive them anyway, because humans are scared of things they do not know of. in othr words, hte supernatural.

    mybe its best you don't question hte beliefs of others, becuase emotion and spiritual things are not always logical.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Having the tangible is only a limiting factor because in most cases our imagination exceeds the thing itself. However, God is greater than we can imagine so I don't think the same principle would come into play here. My personal opinion is that a person taht believes without seeing is more blessed in some eternal sense perhaps. I could be wrong, but at any rate, if God is infinitely great as I believe He is, I don't think the issue is the wonder of Him being diminished by having something of Him right before our eyes. When Jesus said this to the apostles, they had indeed experienced Jesus right before their eyes, and He does reveal the Father but they had not experienced the full glory of God because the Bible teaches that no man can look on God and live. So even though Jesus made this statement to them about those not having seen Him yet still believeing was more blessed, it does not seem to be the case that it was because there was no room left for wonderment and awe. Not at all.

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've said this a million times, I should write of my experiences but it takes too long. You cannot test God, scientific method is useless to something that is way beyond what any man can quantify. You want answers then you must go inside yourself, a relationshiop with God is personal. I'm a rational person and would never believe something just on faith, I'm not that good. I have proof, but this proof was for me. If you want proof you got to do it yourself. I will give you a hint though. Be thankful. Your family is the key.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    1. faith means no proof, no evidence, and thats why darwin has no effect on me.

    2. Rayma: which is God teaches me when I study his word and he breaths on his word and I learn things I never saw before in a passage I read years ago.

    There are also male mistakes in the bible that were left when men tranlated it and they would have not left them there if they had written the bible, I assure you, but since God wrote the book, they have been there for centuries.

    Like Adam being with Eve while the snake talked to her (but man still blames the garden episode on Eve and Adam was there the whole time) and then Eve giving it to him, her husband who was with her. Also Noah was told by God the order in which to send his family into the ark, his wife was suppose to go after him, but he thought women were less then he was so he disobeyed God and sent his son after himself into the ark, disobeying God and then he wondered why his gay son Ham performed kind of gay thing on him when he got drunk, his wife would have never aloud that, if she would have been permitted to be with him in the tent, at his side, but she was less then he. But I have been told I cannot use these examples to an atheist because the atheist does not believe in the book anyways. But seriously, do you think male writers would write these in a book they fabricated???

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hello kai.hass.. :)

    The complete change and turn around in my day I was an devout Atheist..

    The following day I became a born again child of the Most High God.. :)

    I no longer did drugs..the hatred I had in my heart for others, turned into Love and Forgiveness for anyone who had ever hurt me in the past..

    The emptiness deep in the pit of my stomach was search was over for the "Truth" eyes were opened to the Word of God (Bible)..

    I now long to help those in need, whether they be in prison, homeless or my next door neighbor..I greet all that I meet, with a smile and a helpful heart..If I can help just one person..than that is what true happiness is all about..not gaining monetary wealth, but helping out our fellow man.. :)

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With Love..In Christ.. :)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Uh.let's see,my son was healed and even the Drs. admitted they were stumped.I had twin girls after the Dr. said I shouldn't have any more children.I was healed from kidney disease.

    I have been financially blessed without the help of a man.

    Of course this doesn't prove anything to you but then again all I am supposed to do is tell what good things God has done for me.Thanks for the opportunity.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why bother asking for "proof beyond any doubt"? They don't have any sort of proof at all; they have hardly a shred of meaningful evidence.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Steps to proving God's existence:

    1. Prove love, gravity, math, truth, life, and time exist.

    2. Find love, gravity, math, truth, life, and time's origins.

    3. Determine love, gravity, math, truth, life, and time's components and how they were constructed.


    1. Go to God with a pure and honest heart and wait (God promises to reveal Himself to everyone, especially to those who repent and come to Him)

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Only belief.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why are you asking this question to Christians? I think it is a relevant question to ask all faiths.

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