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stitch fragte in Entertainment & MusicMovies · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Here is a little movie trivia for you. I give the line you give the movie.?

1. "I'm the dude, man."

2. "Take me away from all this death."

3. "He said, no little ***** could ever make me ***."

4. "Lots of respectable people get hit by trains."

5. "Your kids are one crutch short of a telethon."

6. "This town needs an enima."

7. "I think she's beginning to suspect somethin'."

"Who?" "Your wife."

8. "Zed is dead."

9. "His name is Daryl Van Horne."

10."You are too twisted for color t.v."

2 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    1 The Big Lebowski 2 Dracula 3 Wild Things 4 O Brother Where Art Thou? 5 Very Bad Things 6 Batman 7 (?) 8 Pulp Fiction 9 Witches of Eastwick 10 Steel Magnolias... Am I right? What's number 7!?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    7 is from What Lies Beneath.... or it could be from Scary Movie 2, because they spoof it.

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