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Do you believe that marijuana should be legalized and why?

How would you go about showing the government what the benefits or negatives of legalizing marijana?

8 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
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    I have showed them already..... I feel it should be just like alcohol. Instead of blood tests to see if someone is high, make them walk lines and answer questions. If they are under the influence give them a hefty ticket like they do people on alcohol.

    All legal medical marijuana patients if driving can be stopped and charged with driving under the influence....we have strict rules, why not apply them to everyone?

    Quelle(n): Legal Medical Marijuana Card Holder
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe it should be legalized for medical use only. My Mother died a very painful death from cancer this past summer. At the end the pain medication did not help, they legally could not give her anymore because it might cause her to stop breathing. She was dying of cancer what difference does it make??? It is very hard to have someone you love suffer so much.

    I do not believe it should be available for general use. There ARE people who have died from people who were high on marijuana. It happens all the time. Here in Arizona not that long ago a little girl was killed by a driver who had nothing more in his system than marijuana. Freeky needs to step away from her purple haze and watch the news or read the newspaper. And we don't hear about everycase either.

    I was in a bad car accident that changed my life. I was the passenger in the back seat of my sister in laws car. We came to a stop on the freeway in LA. We were in the Fast lane. A truck came plowing into the backseat with me because the guy was high and decided changing the CD in his car was more important than the road. I had surgery on my neck, twice. Shoulder surgery. Collapsed disk, that when they repaired it the two below collapsed. I am in pain because I have permanent nerve damage. I was in therapy for 2 years. Once I was hit I was never again able to have my children sit on my lap or pick up my child who was 3 at the time.

    I do think it should be used for medical use. But I don't want people picking it up like cigarettes on the street corners. I think it could be used for a variety of reasons chronic pain, cancer pain, chemotherapy side effects and naseau, glaucoma, nuermuscular diseases (can ease shaking in parkinsons patients who have not responded to other meds), it could even be used for anorexia in my opinion. But it should be regulated as a controlled substance like other controlled drugs. Like Oxycontin, morphine, demerol, etc.

    There are a lot of people highly allergic to it. I happen to be one of them. I have a friend who uses it for severe anxiety. I can not be anywhere near her if she has smoked even if I brush up against her clothing accidentally I will break out in hives. I once had to go to the emergency room because I couldn't breathe (when I was in high school) because I had been to a house party and it was there.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is no different than alcohol. If you want a glass of wine after work or a joint you should be able to unwind. Ease the stress of societies demands. Pot also has many medicinal purposes which I haven't found one yet for booze. Also I have never known anyone to die from smoking too much as is the case with booze. Booze will increase anger pot will decrease anger.Booze will cause next day hangovers pot will not. Booze is worse why isnt pot legal.? Politics misinformation in society. imo.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, I feel that marijuana should be legalized. If it was legalized, it would still be a lucrative job even after the gov't put its hand on it, and the collected tax money would be good for our communities.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    YES i think it should b.c there wouldnt be so much ppl stealing other ppl **** all the time just so they can fell there own needs and if it was legal then ppl prolly wouldent smoke it as much they would go to something that wasnt legal and weed isnt a bad drug

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No but then yes,

    No because then all kids would be on it and I'm sure no parent in there right mind would want that..

    But yes because it does help with pain on cancer patients and other illnesses.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The thing with marijuanna is that I have never in all of my life known someone to get high and kill anyone in a car accident. I have never known anyone to get high and beat their kids or spouse. I have never known anyone to get high and have unprotected sex with random strangers. I have never known anyone to get high and do half of the things that people do when they are drunk.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i would be cool but would never happen

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