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Reaction to the Shilpa Shetty saga OTT?

I understand that Shilpa Shetty has been bullied in the Big Brother house, but aren't death threats and burning effigies of the alleged bullies a bit OTT?


@j4mes_bond25: Just out of interest, who are you referring to when you say 'your pea-size intellect'?

22 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Yes, PC gone mad and people overreacting!

    If this is the reaction one gets for being a jealous chav, then I am so glad i am not one!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i think its totally over the top, lots of other people were bullied during thier time in the big brother house, u know wot u r gettin in for b4 u go into something like that, shilpa said she hadnt watched the show b4 she went in, come on wud u really go onto a tv show without doing some homework on it? also i think its the fact that shilpa is indian(at least i think shes indian) that the tv executives r makin such an issue about it, plus it draws in the ratings whether they get bad publicity or not. do any of u remember emma (not sure which BB she was in) she was bullied and simply shoved put the back doors i thot this was terrible, had she of been foreign it wud have been classed as racial, i hope people understand my meaning, people just dont like shilpa it isnt anything to do with who she is or where shes from shes just not a very likable person.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I do think that the 3 girls have ganged up on her and are all jealous b*tches because Shilpa is pretty. They are all having a go behind her back instead of having the courage to say their thoughts to her face. It angers me that they are not even trying to embrace her culture, or talk to her and find out anything about her, they are just judging her. They should understand as well that being a celebrity in her own country she has people to do things for her all the time, why should she know how to cook or not to pour soup down the toilet? There is no need for them to be so horrible to her. I do not agree that they are being racist, as Jermaine called Jade's family "white trash" which is more racist than anything I have heard the girls say about Shilpa, they are just totally horrible girls, and I hope they get booed so badly when they get out, and I hope their careers suffer when they come out because of this.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    some people answering this.... well i just dont know....

    how can anyone say that there is no racism against Shilpa Shetty?, just things like "go home" and "you just wish you were lighter" and "that Indian" etc etc etc etc etc, COME ON.... i think that something should seriously be done... i dont care if im alone on this..... and coming from Jade Goody, who is only known for being an ugly white trash b1tch from big brother.... and her Mum who is only the Mum of a white trash b1tch.... its jealosy gone mad..... because Shilpa Shetty is beautiful and talented in her own right.

    i am totaly discusted and also amazed at the composure of Shilpa.. she should be congratulated. she is a credit to her family

    Quelle(n): by the way, im White, English, born and grew up in the Midlands
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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If it weren't for juvenile, obnoxious, petty behavior related to being drunk, sleeping around, being attractive, fitting in, not fitting in, being loved, or being despised, no one would watch stupid reality television like Big Brother. Those people are in that house to offend, betray, annoy, back-stab, lie to, and otherwise make the others in the house somehow beneath each other in order to win a large sum of money. All sorts of vile behavior has been shown on Big Brother and everyone thought it was cheeky and scandalous and entertaining until the victim was from India, and then suddenly we all expected the housemates to be nothing but dignified and loving and respectful of all diversity and human rights. WTF?!

    My position is this. If you are a Big Brother watcher then you - by definition - find yourself entertained by people acting horribly and cruelly to each other. Don't you *dare* have the nerve to suddenly be offended because you think that making fun of someones accent is unspeakable while lying and cheating and betrayal and general despicableness is "just good TV."

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    yes i think it is going over the top. after all its only a game show. i love watching big brother so to krazy s i dont think they should shut it down. there has been different races that have been on the bb show and there has never been nothing like this before. i dont agree with what Jade is doing but i also dont trust Shilpha as well i think she has a game plan its obvious shes up to something, maybe she starts on jade because she knows jades the loudest person in the house and she knows jade can easily be rattled,shilpha was going on about british people and vocab and stuff, i personally think SHES THE RACIST, shes probably in there to stir up trouble for us between indians and others, no i am not a racist i have different culture friends but i feel she is up to something, i hope she gets evicted when ever there is a eviction next, i dont side with jade, with what she is doing but jade did aplogise saying if you took back what you said then im sorry if not your a liar, all shilpha had to say is she took it back. she is isolating her self from the rest of the group, she should walk out if she doesnt like the way things are in our country. i think that jade and the rest of them are making us brits look bad and now were all gonna be tied with the same brush because of them, how do we know that this could create a riot from the indians and other forgieners.

    Quelle(n): big brother fan.. ian to win
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is all blown up out of proportion, I agree she has been bullied but do not find it because she is Indian, how come nothing was said last year when it happened to Jodie Marsh, and how come everybody has conveniently forgotten that Jermain Jackson called Jackie and Jade white trailer trash only last week, this is selective racism and political correctness gone mad. People always ***** about others and this is why big brother is so popular its as close to normal life as you are going to get and that's why it is called reality TV. I find some of the comments on yahoo answers far more offensive than some of the things that have happened on big brother and I am not going around burning computers and sending death threats to everyone on here.

  • jj26
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Totally, ask yourself this. Would this outcry of happened if there wasn't such a large 'indian' population in the u.k, i doubt it. And refering to someone as 'the indian'. I would be so insulted that as an englishman if someone refered to me as an 'englishman' (sarcasm)

    Knowing the way Endemol thinks and works, i wouldn't be suprised if they made the complaints themselves. Just to cause a bit of bad press, and bad press is better than no press. Thankyou Endemol for turning Britain into a laughing stock once again!

    And note to Indians. Just shrug it off. Dont react like the muslims did over the danish newspaper thing. All they did there was demostrate why the cartoon came about in the first place. If someone calls India backwards and then you burn effigies in the street, well what do you think that says?

  • beiro
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    i'm no longer positive about this one. all of us keep in mind that there are traditions and methods of doing issues in different international places. the very incontrovertible reality that it gave the impression to be a complete marvel to Shilpa might want to have made it seem as if she loved it or allowed it or inspite of yet what if she only did not understand what to do? As a woman who has had my *** grabbed quite a few cases for the era of my existence, the first time or 2 is any such marvel you do not react. The 0.33 time, you turn round and bash the boys enamel by his lips. (save this in recommendations men, you in no way understand if it truly is our first time or our 0.33!) So besides, Shilpa might want to quite record a regulation in structure hostile to Gere and perchance even win. India isn't u.s.. also, who's to assert India's beliefs are old. it truly is like holding Christianity is old. old for you per chance yet no longer them. So, i wager we will see what takes position. i wish Shilpa takes it with a grain of salt and that i wish India receives over it quickly.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think it is over the top to call this racism after all this group of so called rascists dont appear to have a proplem with Jermaine who is also not a white person, it is pure and simple schoolyard bullying and yes it is unacceptable.

    The cause of this is jealousy it is a well know fact that if you think hard about why you dont like someone it normal results if you are honest with yourself in an admission of being jealous of something they possess

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think that Shilpa Shetty is nothing more than a bollywood diva. She's very manipulative in the house, always playing up to the cameras and trying to look the victim.

    She is not being bullied by the others, unfortunately, she expects the three young girls in the house to respect her, due to her star status in India. Those girls don't know her from Adam, and therefore they don't treat her any differently from the others. I think Shilpa resents this and acts up accordingly......

    Definitely no racism going on in the house.

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