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Lv 31.677 points


Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • I KNOW photoshop is the most professional digital photo editing software on the market?

    but as photoshop doesn't change massively from cs1 to cs 5 dont you wish that they would now make the earlier versions more accessable to the general public by lowering the price alot?

    10 AntwortenPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the name of this blue flower please?

    its only about 8" high and i dont believe it gets much higher

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mirror lens on a Sony A350 Camera?

    i have a new mirror lens on my sony A350, however i get some fantastic images on the LCD screen but when it comes to taking a photo the Camera says that there is no lens fitted and the shutter is locked....

    there is nothing wrong with the Camera it works fine with all other lens's its only this Mirror lens that does not have the usual electrical contacts, im sure im doing something wrong... do i need another attachment or is there a setting i can put the Camera on to use a mirror lens?

    any help would be appreciated, thanks

    2 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Sony A350 Camera Flash?

    im looking to buy an external flash for my sony A305 DSLR camera, i dont want to spend a fortune, but the ones ive found - when ive Google'd them, ive found problems with them.

    can anyone recommend a good practical flash unit - any extra advice would be welcomed :)


    3 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Disable "work offline" in windows XP?

    Every time i start up my computer, i have to open up an IE page, go to tools, and un check "work offline", then restart the computer before i can use the internet.

    is there any way of saving the setting, so that when i start the computer, i can go straight on line?

    im using a wireless broadband connection

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Microsoft Excel question?

    i have Multiple pages in excel, for ticket sales. and i would like to be able to have a total number of tickets available stored, and as one is sold from ANY page, this counts down off the total....

    OR, atleast all pages sort of linked so i can get a total of all pages

    PLEASE dont tell me how to add on a single page. :-) thats not the question

    thanks in advance to anyone that can help

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • custom smilies in msn messenger?

    im trying to make my custom smilies in msn messenger bigger.

    ive took the picture into photoshop, and edited the image in image ready. then saved the animation by clicking " save optimised as"

    but still when i add the Giff file to mn its still small?

    can anyone help?

    3 AntwortenMSNvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Microsoft Office / word 2007, Tables?

    im trying to put 4 seperate tables next to eachother (example pic added) can anyone tell me how?. i asked this question earlier, but didnt get one straight forward correct anser that could help me..

    this is what im after..

    5 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Photoshop?, too expencive? too complex to use?

    who would love to have photoshop, but simply cant afford it JUST to edit pictures... yes its a brilliant program, but unless its your job....... well what do you think?

    also, who has had the trial version, but found it too complex, or has pictures that they would have loved to have edited but just couldnt do it, so they gave up? ....... anyone with this experiance too?.... please, let me know your thoughts..

    6 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Sky + box and the USB port?

    i have just moved over to sky + and am actually very happy at the moment. On the sky+ box there is a USB port. ive looked through the booklet and although it is pointed out it doesnt tell me what its use is?

    i used to have lots of films ECT on my computer, could these be viewed through the box, or can i eventually relieve some of the SKY+ memory onto the external memory of my computer?

    hope someone can help us out....?

    1 AntwortTiVO & DVRsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Northern Ireland, gulf91 Video's?

    is anyone willing to send me and short Video's of Fighting or training in Northern Ireland / Gulf war 91? as i am doing a brief on both of them very soon, and this will help if i can include a short action film

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Photoshop CS2?

    im new to photoshop, and have been doing ok,

    i've been cutting round photo's changing their back ground into transparent pixels... to use in layers.

    but thats stopped happening, the background is now changing to background or foreground colours....

    can anyone tell me how to get "cut" items back to tranparent?

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • poor Jo and Danielle?

    who else laughed and laughed when they saw Danielle blubbering and crying, and when jo changed her mind and did the same (even though AFTER she was out, she said she had no regrets and would do and say all the same things again?) i nearly wet my self watching the two bitches balling and slobbering.. ha ha ha

    so.......... anyone else?

    3 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Jade Goody V Shilpa Shetty?

    who is against the evil, fowel mouthed poised dwarf.... Goody? CH4 have recieved over 2000 complaints about that b1tch.... they have a policy to close a program if they recieve more than 100 complaints about the same thing...

    please, all those people who are against her, lets be bothered to vote and get her out of the house tonight (i dont normaly bother with these things) i hope that once she's out a hate campain can start..... she's only famous through BB, we made her... lets destroy her

    (well done car phone wearhouse)

    she will be mortified if the public go against her over shilpa shetty (a credit to her family, for the composure she's shown)

    once she's out of that house....(and the sooner the better) lets ruin her?

    28 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what harm have i done to my Lap top Computer?

    we used to leave our lap top computer on all the time, (its old now, but) its not turns itself off (i presume from over heating) after about 36hours.

    we dont do it anymore, but:-

    what damage have we done to it? is it a problem / does it matter, and can it be rectified?

    12 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • there is a man?

    there is a man heading for the Centre of a field

    he has to go there, he can't change that

    when he gets there he knows he's going to die....

    whats happening......?

    29 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • booby traps?

    a subject i know quite alot about.

    Purely out of interest and to see what people know.... tell me how you might set up a booby trap - victim operated divice (method of initiation... NOT how to make the explosive)

    tell me what equipment you'd use and how it would work

    the best, most realistic, feazable, simple will get the points

    6 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Personal Security?

    i know this is a VAST VAST subject and lots of people will be different, but:-

    what aspect of your personal security do you worry about most?

    what do you do about it?.... (personal attack alarms, baby monitors, wheel clamps on your caravan, CCTV, nothing.. just worry?)

    what would you like to change for the better, in your personal Security?

    17 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Heart Trouble?

    What are the differences between, and causes of, a Cardiac Arrest – a Heart attack and a stroke?

    5 AntwortenHeart Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If you could have just ONE superpower?

    i was watching Torchwood (yes i know) the other night, and a girl was given the power to read minds / hear thoughts. this seened brilliant, but would you really want to know what people thought about you...?

    if you could have ONLY ONE superpower, what would it be and why?...............................

    48 AntwortenTriviavor 1 Jahrzehnt