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Lv 5
Elly fragte in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

How are people tortured in the hell you believe in?

Many people say that all the people who don't believe in Jesus will go to hell forever. For those who believe this, how exactly do you think people will be tortured there? With fire and a red devil like in the old pictures? I just want to know how sadistic your beliefs are.


I asked for different opinions, so I can't choose one answer. Thanks for all your answers, I put this to vote.

14 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    a man died and went to Heaven, he was met by saint Peter at the pearly Gates and told that even though he was no a bad person, he was not good enough to get into heaven, and was sent to hell.

    he was met at the gates of hell by satan and told that he was not bad enough to be sent into the pit, so he could choose which part of hell he would spend eternity, and was shown several different chambers.

    in the first chamber everyone was standing on their heads and he thought that might get a little painful after a while, so he was shown the next chamber where everyone was up to the neck in manure, and he was a little fastidious so he was shown the next chamber. where everyone was knee deep in manure, dressed in formal clothes and drinking champagne, he said this does not look too bad and these people seem to be intellectual, and i will be able the have intelligent communication with them, so he took the third chamber, was given formal clothing and went into the chamber to have a class of wine and meet his new friends.

    upon entering the chamber, and hearing the door locked behind him, he heard a voice over the intercom, saying "OK breaks over back on your heads"

    Quelle(n): jcms
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In Hell you burn, and in addition you have worms. Remember in the Bible when it talks about Hell "where the worm dyeth not."

    Everybody in Hell is burning and itching, and suffering a severe case of worms. It's not a pretty sight.

    Satan stokes the fires endlessly, and never tires of causing suffering.

    Even people who used to worship Satan get the same treatment. It's just awful. Everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus, Jesus is not amused; so they all go to Hell.

    You can avoid Hell by going to your local Baptist church and kneeling at the preacher's altar, and doing the special incantation.

    In this incantation you proclaim extra belief in Jesus. (Ever since the Baptists started doing this, Jesus has gazed upon them with greater fondness.)

    Thus Baptists get saved, and they are in fact granted a guarantee; and they can still sin as long as they are discreet. Contact you local Baptist church for details. You won't find a better deal anywhere.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Incorrect! all the people who don't believe in God Jesus is a profit he is God's creation,and people how don't believe in him will burn for all eternity with no rest and with no end,they will burn from Hell's fire and hell's cold (so cold that it burns like fire!) and the thinness of the skin would increase 50 feet so it would burn longer the skin would also return every time it burns out also you would live forever and forever you would feel the pain forever.

    and if you don't believe me wait for judgment day.

    It's your choice ether convert and live a good and peaceful life or ether stay false and live a painful torture forever in the after life.

    Quelle(n): Muslim
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    In the first place God doesn't send anyone to Hell.

    God did not make robots, he made man with a free will. Mankind uses his freewill to choose to do good or evil. If you choose evil this is called sin. If you sin you deserve to be sent to Hell, because there are only two places to go when you die. Heaven or Hell. Heaven is good and only the good go there, everyone else goes to Hell. Since everyone sins, then no one deserves to go to heaven. But God in His love provided a way for sinful man to get to heaven. This of course is by believing on Jesus.Everyone can Recieve Jesus, therefore, God doesn't send anyone to Hell... IT IS YOUR CHOICE.

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  • Sunman
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I feel that hell is a state of mind, in the sense that ones basic paradigm is the feelings of 'screams and gnashing of teeth' and the torture involved is internal. Those involved will create a life that reflects this inner hell.-------But one is not condemned to that state for not believing in Jesus.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Read religious texts and sit through religious services. People would also live in extremes and act on every single feeling and impulse, creating more chaos and conflict.

  • tas211
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Bible is perfectly clear on what Hell is like. It is a lake of fire where you will burn for eternity.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Once you die, you realize the reality and goodness of God, and you have to deal with the fact that you HAD the chance to be with Him, and you chose not to.

    Ever watch a Christmas party through a window while outside in the cold? Like that.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i t hink it's just like a bar where bad people go...if the devil is an arch-angle...and the devil makes people do bad things...why would he evern punish them for it??? i think it's brimstone and hellfire with pool tables and people just being bad and chilling drinking 40's and heaven is just like real life without pain, and you can do all the fun things you've ever wanted to....

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hell is separation from God and not eternal torture.

    Hell is done away with in; Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

    Are you a Biblical illiterate?


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