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Anyone tried those cheap $5-10 CD-ROM game collections that have a whole bunch of different games on them?
I found them at Best Buy/Circuit City for pretty cheap and they say they have the full version of over 100 arcade games. Has anybody tried those and are they any good? I wanted to get one for my boyfriend's nephews but I don't want it to either not work or be stupid.
BTW- it would be for a ten year old boy and possibly his six year old brother, although the little one, not so much.
5 Antworten
- vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
i love them! i have about 10 different ones. there soooo much fun! you just have to check with your boyfriend to se what type of computer he has, Windows XP, 2000, Mac? But i say that would be a great gift! Go for it. He'll love It.
Your Electronics Guy, and Nintendo Guy,
The Wii Man!!!
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
for the most part, they are pretty much crap. Every now and then you may trip on one that seems interesting, but for the most part, i would not waste the money. perhaps a Coke and some Skittles would be a better investment.
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I tryed those. ther pretty cool cuz u get to play the games witout really paying anything. It would make a good gift
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- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
i have used them before they are ok