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How infinite is ignorance ?

16 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I think though there certainly are infinite repurcussions to ignorance, ignorance itself is not infinite in time.

    Many people try to live happily by "ignorance is bliss", but eventually some major events will shake them out of their nostolgia into to the real estate of reality. In fact if it weren't for ignorance to begin with, a person wouldn't experience that "aha!" moment of awakening. Eureka!

    Perhaps because of how infinitely dark ignorance seems... awareness seems that much better and so a person, and therefore a planet cannot remain ignorant for infinity, and therefore since all are connected certain elements of Ignorance ITSELF must slowly vanish- not that it had any form of existance, it's more like a light vanishing shadows. The shadows have no power or form- it is simply "lack of light". So too do I (and probably the ancient Greeks whom I'm borrowing this vein of thought) think of ignorance. It is not a power in itself, but a lack of awareness, and this lack of awareness cannot exist infinitely.

    However... while living in the moment of ignorance, I agree it FEELS like infinity. So perhaps though ignorance cannot exist infintely in time... it may exist infinitely in space, in thought, in no-thought, in essence.

    This would be the kind of infinite ignorance that the Buddhists seek in meditation- so yes, I would think that this state of nothingness is very infinite in concept and experience. I have experienced moments like these and I believe they will be with me infinitely... but so is every other experience- just usually to lesser degrees...

    The practical side of me thinks this kind of conceptual ignorance is not very infinite. Lets say I attain an excellent state of nothingness in meditation or ignorance. Eventually I have to stand up and go pee, or eat, or back to work and my daily living. Living and existing requires me to be aware. I can't force myself out of the universe- it's impossible, therefore ignorance is limited by the many demands of daily life.

    Thank you for the excellent thought and question. Perhaps we can discuss it further some time. I don't know... I'm ignorant. =)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ignorance IS NOT INFINITE!!! Its wrong to say that ignorance is infinite. Ignorance always have limits.....always!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I believe that one learns something or the other until his last breath. We are ignorantly living to reach that last 'breath', about which too we are ignorant----- Don't we very often think "wish i had known that" How ignorant we are when we say ' ignorance is bliss'. Zero has no value apparently, so Ignorance is equal to Zero raised to the power of Infinity.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    as infinite as knowledge

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    it's very simple. if you don't look at a tree, you can't tell whats tree is or how it looks. internally ignorance is that. if you don't see or see partially, you will be ignorant that much about that issue. to know it better see it more.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    And you honestly think you'll get an accurate answer?Oh boy!

    Talk about ignorance!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ignorance is like a sphere/ ball you can keep on looking for it's ending point but it goes on forever and ever and ever. a 360 pie

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    in some cases infinite, in others, terminal.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    very infinite. and the worse form of IGNORANCE is RACISM...

  • de rak
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    there is no gauge on infinity. infinity cannot be topped. it is infinity. How far can ignorance go??? Pretty effing far. Education is the only defense against this.

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