Kann mir jemand diese Englischen Wörter auf Englisch erklären?



Beste Antwort

Hey Hans,

1. to develop (verb):
There were a few villages once in the past somewhere in the middle of what is Italy nowadays.

These villages were growing, becoming bigger and bigger over the years. Then the city of Rome was founded. The former villages had been developed to a city.

Then this city became more powerful and soon it was ruling the whole peninsula of Italy. So the Roman Republic was founded.

After even some more decades the republic changed to an Empire and covered the western and middle parts of Europe, the whole Mediterranean shores including Egypt and North Africa as well as areas around the Black Sea. The Empire was growing and developing.

Development means some kind of steady progress from a basic situation to one of more complexity. Some kind of growth e.g. in knowledge, size or power is combined with this idea.

Another example: The Universe was a very tiny and dense spot full of energy at unbelievably high temperatures.

Then - somehow - it came to the Big Bang: The universe started its expansion, which is in progress still. The physical powers interfered with the growth of space and all the particles of matter and antimatter were erasing each other... nearly. Some particles of matter remained forming the visible universe. The universe developed from a singularity to the complexity of space including billions of galaxies with billions of stars and solar systems.

In one of them the earth was formed and the evolution of life became true and the human race was developed.

So, as well, development contains most commonly some kind of evolution.


Meintest Du "Infantry" oder "Infancy"?

Infantry is a military kind of land troops. In the past, there was the artillery providing gun power using cannons and mortars, there were the regions with their horses and there was the infantry with all troops moving on their feet row by row. Today the infantry consists of motorised units as well.

The infancy is your childhood.


A volunteer is doing something by his own decision and will without Bering ordered to do so.

This person voluteers for something. A soldier never volunteers for something.


Ich hoffe, dass Dir dies etwas weiterhilft und wünsche Dir einen guten Sonntag.



In case you need s h o r t definitions:

(1) develop: the process of changing into another
form over some time
(2)?infanty? does not seem to exist, so let's take
infancy: the time of being a little child
(3) volunteer: a person who offers to do something
without any pay


develop: unfold; revial; grow bigger, bring or come to maturity; become fuller, make progress

infanty ?? perhaps childlike

volunteer: person who comes forward with offer of services at need

Abgeschrieben aus "The Little OXFORD DICTIONARY OF CURRENT ENGLISH" THIRD EDITION von 1941. Infanty habe ich allerdings nicht gefunden, auch nicht in anderen Quellen. Da kann ich nur raten, deshalb die Fragezeichen.

Andreas Karl2014-01-19T05:06:36Z

"volunteer" = working without getting payed


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