Warum gibt es Religionen und welchem Zweck dienen sie?

Die meisten Religionen lehren Verschiedenes.
Nach Worten dienen sie Gott, aber Gutes tun sie selten.


@ Samson
Botschaften an die Religionen http://www.facebook.com/Hopeland.at


Beste Antwort

Den Religionen selbst hilft es Macht, Ländereien und Geld zu scheffeln.
Den ängstlichen Menschen dient die Religion als Lebenshilfe.


God-bearer Virgin Mary died 15 years after Christ's Ascension. In 3 days, Christ resurrected Her body. Jesus was born of the Father before time. Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. God is one. God=the Most Holy Trinity. 80 foot (25 meter) dinosaurs (man-eaters) are still alive today. They live under our level by the way. They will use sinkholes and lakes to come out to our level to play a game. Demons ride in UFOs. Don't go into a UFO ship to be healed by demons! Aborted babies go to hell for 33.5 years to grow up there in the dark. Abortion needs to be stopped! New documents lead to hell. Reject the chip, the evil plastic small world grey passport, and the 666 tattoo by lasers from hell! When people stretch hands to receive the evil plastic card (small grey world passport), 666 tattoo is given by lasers on the forehead or the wrist area. Food stores will laser people too. Of course, police will chip and laser people on the highways. Go hide in a village with 7-15 people per house to escape getting chipped and lasered. Antichrist is an evil flying pale gay man with red eyes from the tribe of Dan who is surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. These demons carry the antichrist at the speed of light. Deceived people will say: "Christ is here, Christ is there!". Antichrist is possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old; he also wears gloves to hide his long animal-like nails. God is one. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man! Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. Christ preached in hell; those who believed, got out of hell. Orthodoxy is the only Biblical faith. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/55141.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYZ49eCro2E http://esv.scripturetext.com/revelation/13.htm http://esv.scripturetext.com/revelation/14.htm http://bible.cc/1_john/1-5.htm

Harald K2012-12-22T17:41:23Z

Religion ist heutzutage eher überflüssig, teilweise sogar schädlich. Das war aber nicht immer und überall so.


einfaches beispiel
jesus heilt kranke


Der Ausübung von Macht und dem vermehren von Geld, dass sind die Grundpfeiler der Religionen.

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