Ich bin Engländer und ich lerne Deutsch. Kann mir jemand in Grammatik helfen?
Ersten, ist was richtig? Während dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hat man ein neues Konzerthalle eröffnet. Während der Zweite Weltkrieg hat man ein neues Konzerthalle eröffnet.
Zweiten, ist der Grammatik richtig?
,so dass Papier recyceln ist
...so above, you see why I'm horrible at German :p , but just wondering whether anyone could help check the grammar above. Danke schön!
Und dritten´s egländer der zweite weltkrieg ist schon lange aus ! Hat sich das immer noch nicht bei euch rumgesprochen ? And is it really true what everyone always say? You have the worst food of the world ! Really ?
Erstens, was ist <= richtig? Während dem * Zweiten Weltkrieg * hat man einE<= neuE<= Konzerthalle eröffnet. No, let us stay to the traditionally Genitive case ,so that you should use: "während deS<= Zweiten Weltkrieg(E)S<= hat man eine neue Konzerthalle gebaut." As to that special sign*: The "Holy Book" of German spelling, grammar and punctuation, called after the author (KONRAD) DUDEN, has declined in its level profoundly and given in to so many former "WRONGs!" declaring them as "tolerable" by writing: "heute auch schon" (a better version: "even less uneducated Germans have the democratic right to use their language,and as we understand what they are aiming at, we will accept their primitive version." You hear that on TV programms, in interviews, you even read that in the quality press. One feels the resignation of those responsible for the DUDEN contents - and with some imagination one sees them "waving through" all neglectors of strict rules of German that used to be. (I do not aim at the different r e g i o n a l aspects and of words that reflect new technical developments. An example for typical German overdoing,however,is: While even many PC-experts use instead "downloading" "runterladen",the DUDEN of all the guides(!) surrenders and prints: "download"- in a Germany dictionary! The DUDEN has become of collection of a high amount of inferior language use, forty,thirty years ago is was unthinkable to tolerate so many wrong ones- but the principle SEEMS to be: We Germans in our political system of democracy feel that <liberty> even as the liberty to write as we want. - (The remaining questionable points are flood victims of British American and pop music English.)
As to your first question: You will not get into trouble to write "während dem Zeiten Weltkrieg",enough Germans use it, but I can recommend you the Genitive you can see above=>"Während des Zweiten Welktkriegs/Weltkrieges".
2. "so dass Papier ZU recyceln ist" (in the sense of (a) an order / permission (you have to do it/you are allowed to do it) or (b) in the sense of a the state of the paper that is just waste (so it can be recycled).
You are not "horrible" neither at our German language ,it was just a trifle as I'm might have committed an English typing mistake. After more than 40 years of being a teacher I hate proofreading my own texts from the very bottom of my heart. But I was pleased to help you.
Seit der Rechtschrfeibrefrom wünschen die Dudenmacher leider, dass man die Welkriege nicht mehr durchzählt: erster, zweiter, dritter, ..., sondern diese Angaben als groà zu schreibende Eigennnamen betrachtet. Vor der letzten Reform war beides duden-konform .
Das ist ähnlich logisch, wie den Pfälzer Wein groà schreiben zu müssen und den saarländischen nicht groà schreiben zu dürfen.
Ãbrigens: Der Erste Welkrieg hieà gar nicht "Erster Weltkrieg" sondern nur "Weltkrieg" (oder "Weltbrand").