Was heißt das auf Englisch?
wenn jemand im Krankenhaus war, wie heißt dann die Frage auf Englisch:
Was hattest Du?
Diese einfache Lösung ist mir natürlich schon eingefallen, aber ich bin total unsicher, ob das richtig ist.
wenn jemand im Krankenhaus war, wie heißt dann die Frage auf Englisch:
Was hattest Du?
Diese einfache Lösung ist mir natürlich schon eingefallen, aber ich bin total unsicher, ob das richtig ist.
♡uǝǝןıǝ♡ en plena florasión
Beste Antwort
Why did you have to stay in the hospital? (einfaches Englisch)
What was the reason for your hospitalizing? (persönlich)
May I ask why you were hospitalized? (höflich- fremde person)
Did you have serious medical issue/s?
I wouldn't have posted, but since there are so many wrong answers here..
These I would ask if the focus is on the fact that they stayed at the hospital for a while, a few days perhaps.
"Why were you in the hospital?"
"What were you in the hospital for?"
If they were at the hospital only briefly, I would say:
"Why did you go to the hospital?"
"What did you go to the hospital for?"
Or in general:
"Why did you have to go to the hospital?"
Why had you to stay at the hospital?
What was wrong?
Ich bin im englischen in solchen fällen nicht soo gut, aber ich glaube es geht:
Why you was in the Hospital?
Why have you been in the hospital?
What was the reason for you being in the hospital?
evtl. auch: What was wrong with you?
Die Umschreibung mit "haben" ist eine eher deutsche Wendung.