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Lv 7302.814 points


Favorisierte Antworten34%
  • Journalisim ?

    This after noon I was watching DR Oz show and he talking about the murder case of Jan Bennet Ramsay 

    Who do you think kill the beautiful little girl ?

     A police officer said the case is still open 

    HOw come with advance DNA they never solve this case 

     Sounds fichy to me ??

    1 AntwortLaw Enforcement & Policevor 2 Monaten
  • Election ?

    Do you think Trump will reverse the result of the voters in Georgia ??

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 Monaten
  • Horoscope ?

    I know I am suppose to ask a question 

    but this time is for a observation 

    2021 would be a lucky year for Aries 

    Gemini and Libra 

    especialy for those who have lots of planets in in one of those signs 

    NOW watch the dogs here yapping at me !!!!!!!

    3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 5 Monaten
  • Elections ?

    Is there any chance for Trump to reverse  the  actual result ?

    5 AntwortenElectionsvor 5 Monaten
  • Family and relationship ?

    One of my friend is 75 and her husband is the same age 

    I had seen her last week and she told me that her husband   very suddenly had stop kissing her good night bye  

    Why a man of this age had stop kissing her 

     NOte 4 years ago he did cheat on her 

    but she forgave him and they continue to live together          

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 6 Monaten
  • astrology ?

    Here for those who astrology is just rubbish and for those who say astrology as no effect on us 

    At birth I had  Saturn conjunct to my MID heaven 

    Here what it says 

    IN the natal Saturn conjuct Mid heaven it mean hard work and lots of responsabilites are your Karmic destiny 

    You will feel a strong sense of duty and you will strive with determination to do 

    something significant in your life 

     At 78 I can SAY Everything is True 

    Even as a child i had lots of responsability 

    and all my life was full of responsability 

    2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 6 Monaten
  • Politic and governemnt ?

    What is Q annon ?

    Who is the founder of this group ?Is it supported by trump ? 

    1 AntwortWrestlingvor 6 Monaten
  • Culture and Group ?

    Someone can tell what is Q anon 

     Who is the founder of this organization 

    Is it supported by Trump ? 

    Thanks for answering 

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 6 Monaten
  • Politi c and Governement ?

    Is there someone here who knows about  Qu ann 

     WHO is behind this  movement ? 

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 6 Monaten
  • Horoscope section ?

    Uranus is transiting the 12 house of Trump 

    Watch all the lies come out 

    What do you think ??

    4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 6 Monaten
  • Religion ?

     Do you believe in reincarnation 

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Monaten
  • Astrology?

    By transit Uranus trine natal Sun bring lots of positive changes in our lives

    Who agree ?

    4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 12 Monaten
  • Horoscope section?

    Which transit make you decide to take back your life and never let people walk over you again

    I am a Libra with 6 planets in LIbra and Sat and Uranus in Gem


    1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 1 Jahr
  • Horoscope?

    Which transit give you the strenght

    to regain back your life

    Example ;; This year I promise myself ;;nobody will ever walk over me again

    I am a LIbra with 6 planet in LIbra


    Horoscopesvor 1 Jahr
  • Family and Relationship?

    Here a question for woman ans also men

    I know a guy who is 48 yrs nad he doesnt have a car nether his driver license

    He live with his parents because he is in a tight pinch

    The guy is a very good person

    OK here my question

    Do you think a woman who is her 40 ties will date guy like this

    Thanks and be honest in your answer

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahr
  • Astrology section?

    Starting at the begining of June NOrth node will conjuncy my natal Uranus iN Gemini and later on my natal Saturn in Gemini

    Is it good or bad


    3 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahr
  • Astrology?

    I am a LIbra with 7 planets in Libra

    Jupiter will square all those planets

    I know its not good

    What do you think

    my 2020 yrs start in a terrible way

    Why they say Jupiter is not that bad


    4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahr
  • astrology section?

    When a planet retrograde is it worse than when she goes direct

    Like Saturn will retrograde in Capricorn for almost 10 months in year 2020

    For those who Saturn will make a square to their natal planet

    what they should expect ? I guess nothing good >?

    2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 1 Jahr
  • Health and Heart section?

    My husband is 77 and lately he break in sweats often

    He is on medication for high blood pressure for 30 yrs

    I read breaking in sweats could mean a mild heart attack

    What do you guys \


    2 AntwortenHeart Diseasesvor 2 Jahren