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Lv 31.330 points

Petra F

Favorisierte Antworten13%

I am German. Contact me and I will tell you something about me...

  • SOS: I'm German & need English conversation for better knowledge! Will you help me, please?

    Hi @ all!

    I'm coming from Northern Germany and need a penfriend who will help me to become better knowledge in English language and grammar. I am 40 years old and I am working in a transport company.

    My hobbies are: International music, films, going out, dancing, travelling, my friends, good meals, books (I like Terry Pratchett), painting, sculpturing, travelling and so on and so on...

    If you want, I can offer you to help you to become better knowledge about the German language and grammar. Are you interested? Than write me, please! I am looking for your answer.

    So long.


    6 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt