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John Deo
Dentist secretary cancelled two appointments already explaining the dentist has been sick.?
Dentist secretary cancelled two appointments already explaining the dentist has been sick. I went to the dentist office (after two cancellations) and found dentist there working on patient s teeth.
3 AntwortenDentalvor 3 JahrenPorn in Thai names?
I met people with names such as: Sakdik Slatdikey, Adalporn Sithole, Bangporn Boom Phatsluth, Beenphat Oldelaev, Titiporn Sukmidai, Askole Supaporn, Dogporn Ulik, Analporn Horbang, but that does ot mean you can make disgusting names out of them. Those are coincidences. I apologise to Thai people.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 3 JahrenWhy business owners feel it is allright to let customer stand in front of them and wait while a phone call interrupts our conversation?
Why business owners feel it is allright to let customer stand in front of them and wait while a phone call interrupts our conversation?
When I visit a car repair shop, car garage, a store, a shop, any kind of small business and I begin talking to the owner or the service manager, why do they think the phone cals they receive have priority to live customers standing and talking to them? I find it extremely rude when I talk to the business owner and then all of a sudden he receives a phone call and starts walking into another end of the office or outside and tgalks to someone for minutes and sometimes for a very long time making me wait. I understand that the caller maybe an important and repeat customer, who maybe buying a service for a lot of money and >I am usually no one who just spoends $20 to $5000 and that is just rubbish to he business owner that they can ignore and let me wait. Sometimes and usually I just leave and never return to such business or I reduce my purchases there immediately upon such treatment. Especially if they don't excuse themselves. Then he quotes me a ridiculously high price after making me wait 15 minutes and listen to his ridiculous conversation with his other customer. From now on, when this happens and don't wait even a second and leave immediately telling the business I will not be back.
2 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 3 JahrenWhy businesses think it is ok to make me wait once they receive a phone call?
When I visit a car repair shop, car garage, a store, a shop, any kind of small business and I begin talking to the owner or the service manager, why do they think the phone cals they receive have priority to live customers standing and talking to them? I find it extremely rude when I talk to the business owner and then all of a sudden he receives a phone call and starts walking into another end of the office or outside and tgalks to someone for minutes and sometimes for a very long time making me wait. I understand that the caller maybe an important and repeat customer, who maybe buying a service for a lot of money and >I am usually no one who just spoends $20 to $5000 and that is just rubbish to he business owner that they can ignore and let me wait. Sometimes and usually I just leave and never return to such business or I reduce my purchases there immediately upon such treatment. Especially if they don't excuse themselves. Then he quotes me a ridiculously high price after making me wait 15 minutes and listen to his ridiculous conversation with his other customer. From now on, when this happens and don't wait even a second and leave immediately telling the business I will not be back.
1 AntwortSmall Businessvor 3 JahrenMany of my DVD movies NTSC (USA) are no longer watchable on a working US NTSC DVD player.?
Many of my DVD movies NTSC (USA) are no longer watchable. The DVD will show the options for watching the movie, subtitles etc. so the DVD is fine, but when it comes to watch the movie, it's just blank. Many are very expensive DVDs, where I paid $25 to $120 each, such as Japanese movies etc. I used to watch them 1-2-3 times, then held them for about a decade or more. They are in perfect shape and I use a DVD player from USA. My PC says something like "wrong region". Is this some kind of Planned Obsolescence?
1 AntwortMoviesvor 4 is spamming me and GMAIL spam filters do not help!? is spamming me and GMAIL spam filters do not help! What can I do when a small man is comntinuously attacked like this by large CRIMINAL corporations such as YAHOO?
2 AntwortenAbuse and Spamvor 4 JahrenThere is a street cat that I've been feeding. She has been pregnant for at least 3 months now and is not giving birth yet? Read below too.?
I live in a Third World country. There are not vets here. If there are vets we can not afford a vet. Can you help with advise how to take care of a cat and inspect her whether she is just bloated or pregnant, without vet's help? She is not a house cat although she tries to stay in the house sometimes, but she has been born stray and wild and we want to keep it that way. So she has freedom to live outside and we feed her. She has very big belly since at least the end of December 2016 now. Once again - no "see a vet" advise, please. We need real help, please.
6 AntwortenCatsvor 4 JahrenHow do you make money?
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 4 JahrenHow do you make money?
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 4 JahrenCan a mist build up in bathroom electrocute connecting to the bathroom ceiling light fixture or the wall receptacle (outlet)?
I usually heat the otherwise unheated bathroom by a portable plastic space heater, then turn it off, pull the cord from the wall outlet and take a shower, yet I am afraid the steam build up (because the bathroom window is closed to not let cold air into the bathroom) may electricute me if I don't open the window into the cold, because the ceiling light fixture is up there. Is the ceiling light fixture a hazard if the bathroom gets too saturated with shower water mist? So what I would like to do is to keep on running the space heater throughout my shower time and sometimes have a window cracked also, but not always. CONTINUED BELOW.....
3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 5 JahrenCellphone that records conversations - exists or not?
3 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 6 JahrenWhy pigs have their ears cover their eyes?
3 AntwortenAgriculturevor 6 JahrenWhy are USAmericans so used to receive free stuff?
1 AntwortSending and Receiving Messagesvor 6 Jahren