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eris zwietracht
Why are 24 hour restaurants profitable?
I live in Germany and just read that there are many restaurants in the US that are open 24/7. Over here in Europe, you'd be hard pressed to find one; even in bigger cities like London, Europe's biggest city with roughly 10 million inhabitants there will be maybe two or three. Are there really that many people in the US that eat burgers at half past three in the morning to make these restaurants profitable? How many people could one expect to find sitting in such a restaurant on an average night?
6 AntwortenOther - US Dining Outvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the meaning of the phrase "long time going, long time gone"?
I'm sorry I can't provide any context in which I have heard it, it just keeps floating through my mind from time to time and I'd really like to know in which kind of situation one might actually say it.
4 AntwortenQuotationsvor 1 JahrzehntWhere's a no-click Firefox translation add-on?
In the previous version of Firefox, I had a cool add-on installed which allowed me to simply let the cursor hover over an English word and a little window would open with possible translations into German. I didn't have to even click, let alone open another tab or window.
Sadly, this magic is gone since I installed the most recent version (I think) of Firefox (months ago now).
Does anyone know the name of that little extension, because all I can find on Mozilla's page are more complicated solutions.
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntWie verteile ich Sternchen für die Antworten auf meine Fragen?
Bin ich blind oder blöd, aber ich sehe es nicht... Bei den gelösten Fragen sind darunter vom Fragesteller vergebene Wertungen und Anmerkungen zur besten Antwort zu lesen. Ich hab's noch nicht geschafft, den Antworten, die ich auf meine Fragen bekomme, Sterne zu verleihen.
4 AntwortenYahoo Clevervor 1 JahrzehntCan't find paint bucket tool in Photoshop CS 8.0?
I'm told to use the paint bucket, but can't find it in the tool box. There probably is an equivalent, but what is it and how do I use it?
4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntWas bedeuten die gelben Schilder an Deutschlands Straßen?
Nee, ich meine nicht Orts- und Richtungsschilder, sondern die Schilder, die gar keine offiziellen Verkehrsschilder sind. Man kann sich denken, dass sie fürs Militär sind, da darauf Panzer und LKWs abgebildet sind, und ich denke mir auch, dass sie die Belastungsgrenzen für Brücken u.Ä. angeben. Aber wie sind sie genau zu lesen?
9 AntwortenSonstiges - Autos, Transport & Verkehrvor 1 JahrzehntWie viele verschiedene Marken Kölsch gibt es?
...und wie heißen sie? Wir sind neu nach Köln gezogen und wollen unser Lieblingskölsch finden, indem wir die große Kölschmeisterschaft starten. Dafür müssen wir aber erst mal alle "Teams" für die Gruppenspiele einteilen.
4 AntwortenAlkoholische Getränkevor 1 JahrzehntWhy do mosquito bites seem to itch in a 24-hour rhythm?
seems like they don't itch during the daytime, but at night, especially around the time when you received them. or is this a psychological phenomenon?
3 AntwortenZoologyvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do mosquito bites apparently itch in a 24-hour rhythm?
seems like they don't itch during the daytime, but at night, especially around the time when you received them. or is this a psychological phenomenon?
3 AntwortenMedicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt