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  • Family not on 1891 census?

    I am trying to find William BLORE (born 1848, Middx) and his wife Harriet in the 1891 census (Camberwell, or thereabouts) without sucess. I have tried alernative spellings BLOOR and BLOR. They appear in the 1881 and 1901 censuses and had 10+ children by 1901, all born in London, so I dont imagine they went very far.

    Any ideas?

    6 AntwortenGenealogyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Evan Davies?

    Was anyone else unnerved at hearing Mr Davies's smooth tones on Today yesterday morning?

    5 AntwortenRadiovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Petrol cap on Fiesta?

    Help! I bought a lovely Fiesta Ghia yesterday, but today I can't get the cap off to fill it with petrol. The outer cap comes off fine with the key, but the innner cap just twists left and right, but doesn't come off.

    There is obviously a knack to it - can anyone tell me what it is?

    5 AntwortenFordvor 1 Jahrzehnt