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Rowdy Yayhoot
I'm not the One!
Is this better than America's Got Talent, or what?
Do tell me how awesome this is ----->
3 AntwortenTheater & Actingvor 8 JahrenHow early must one get up in order to catch the worm?
It's 5:30AM Saturday Morning
5 AntwortenLos Angelesvor 8 JahrenWhy do people ask questions here?
Specially knowing they are going to get some lame answer from someone like me.
1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenHow come last month I had a Top Contributor Icon with my picture?
and now it is gone. Did I do something to piss off upper management here?
1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 10 JahrenHave you ever been to a Shrink?
I did once wrapped in nothing but Saran Wrap. When he looked up and saw me all he said was, I can clearly see your nuts. I'm not sure exactly what he meant by that. Should I have paid him or not?
3 AntwortenPsychologyvor 10 JahrenJust asking...What would you do if a helicopter was directly over your house?
and there was a very bright spotlight shinning a very bright light in the front and you could hear coming from a loudspeaker "COME OUT OF THE HOUSE WITH YOUR HANDS UP!!!"
Would you step outside and immediatly go into a little soft shoe routine dancing to Tea for Two, or would you drop to the ground face down so a heavy boot could be shoved into the back of your head?
2 AntwortenOther - Entertainmentvor 1 JahrzehntWhy doesn't Chase Bank have any Christmas Decorations up?
I went in to a JP Morgan Chase bank today. There was not one Christmas decoration in it. It is December 14 and not even a piece of tinsel or garland is showing.
I felt like I was in Scroogeville.
6 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 JahrzehntWhy have all the personal avatar been removed?
And replaced with shallow uncreative cartoon characters
3 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 1 JahrzehntOutside of the Swiss Alps, Just where is it okay to,.....?
Yodeling (or yodelling, jodeling) is a form of singing that involves singing an extended note which rapidly and repeatedly changes in pitch from the vocal chest register (or "chest voice") to the head register (or "head voice"), making a high-low-high-low sound. This vocal technique is used in many cultures throughout the world.
4 AntwortenTheater & Actingvor 1 JahrzehntIf quitters never win and winners never quit.?
what smart guy came up with the saying "Quit while you are ahead"?
7 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntIf you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant...?
what do you do?
14 AntwortenEnvironmentvor 1 JahrzehntIf someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself,?
is it considered a hostage situation?
4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 JahrzehntDo you think that we are masters of our own demise?
This is an article is on Yahoo new right now.
An Eagle in Alaska died today. It died because it was flying to low trying to carry its next meal. The meal was a Deers head, and because of the weight the Eagle was not able to climb fast enough to clear power lines, so the Eagle hit the power lines and was electrocuted.
The Eagle found the Deers head in a landfill. So here is what I'm getting at. Don't you think It is time to shift gears?
Here we had a destroyed Deer whos head was in a landfil, made by people from waste made by people. Then an Eagles sees it as food and in the attempt to survive, it was killed by something that people needed to supply them with electricity.
Not much respect for the environment and bad Philosophy for life in general.
What do you think? Are we doomed or are we going to make it?
2 AntwortenEnvironmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt