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  • Italian Job. How much gold?

    I know it’s a film and we suspend belief a bit, but in the ( original ) film, they say they are going to steal 3 tons of gold.

    We'll ignore the fact that 1 ton of gold would cripple a mk 1 Mini , but when the gold is on the bus , there is clearly something approaching a cubic metre.

    By my calculation , that’s 19 tons.

    Anyone care to agree or disagree?

    3 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 3 Monaten
  • Why isn’t “Gammon” considered racist?

    Many questions and answer refer to “Gammons” which is a particular kind of white person. I find this offensive and racist. 

    If Ivuse the N word or other terms for black or Asian people, I will soon have my account suspended, so why is it ok to use this racist term?

    3 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 3 Monaten
  • Social Injustice? Ironic given footballers wages?

    I’ve noticed when players take the knee before EPL games , the commentators have started to describe it as “against racism and social injustice”.

    Do you not think footballers earning more in a week than most people earn in 10 years, is actually a social injustice in itself?

    10 AntwortenEnglish Footballvor 5 Monaten
  • What’s the best.....?

    Why do people afk such vague questions like “what’s the best car?” , for what?

    Or “how much would it cost to repair my car?” What car, what’s wrong with it? Who knows?

    Or “Are Hondas good cars?” Do they think there is just one model?

    They might as well as “how long is a piece of string?”

    8 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Monaten
  • Would you name your child after a sports star?

    I just seen that the 5th most popular boys name in the UK in 2019 was Muhammad. 

    I had no idea Muhammad Ali was still so popular especially in Britain.

    12 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 8 Monaten
  • Should the UK teachers exam grades been accepted initially?

    Does anyone think it was correct to adjust the teachers grades in the UK (non) exams for 2020?

    Do you not think teachers would award higher grades to make themselves look good?

    I believe the results should have been corrected , but obviously the algorithm used was the worst one devised since the Duckworth-Lewis system.

  • Should the UK teachers exam grades been accepted initially?

    Does anyone think it was correct to adjust the teachers grades in the UK (non) exams for 2020?

    Do you not think teachers would award higher grades to make themselves look good?

    I believe the results should have been corrected , but obviously the algorithm used was the worst one devised since the Duckworth-Lewis system.

  • Does your country have a “country code”?

    More importantly , dies anyone take any notice of it.

    In the UK , we have a long standing country code, a set of guidelines telling you what to do and not to do while in the great outdoors. , which by and large people adhered to.

    But since lock down was eased, many people have started to abuse the countryside, leaving rubbish and other (literally) sh1t behind. Trees and fences have been burned and disposable bbqs left burning in fire risk areas. At the end of their stay, they leave their £12.99 tent and all their rubbish behind, no doubt claiming as tax payers , they have paid to have it cleaned up.

    So my question is really, do other countries actually care for their countryside and is it just Brits who trash it?

    3 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 8 Monaten
  • I love fish and chips.?

    Do fish’s lives batter?

    3 AntwortenFishvor 8 Monaten
  • I’m a BASE jumper. ?

    Do BASE jumpers splatter?

    Singles & Datingvor 8 Monaten
  • Ironic or what?

    Just watched the British Grand Prix . Beforehand we had twenty guys , average earnings about £10m telling us about equality, followed by the national anthem praising the richest most privileged woman in the world ( well after Kim Kardashian).

    Could they not see the irony?

    On the plus side, half refused to take the knee. Take note spineless footballers!

    8 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Monaten
  • What’s happened to comments?

    Can we no longer comment on answers? If not, people can give completely wrong answers with no challenge? What a waste of time.

    44 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Monaten
  • Are the Meerkats not a bit racist?

    I’m referring to the Meerkats ads in British TV, where they speak with silly Russian accents.

    Don’t you think this would have been banned long ago if they used silly Indian , African or Chinese accents instead? 

    1 AntwortOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 9 Monaten
  • Is it alright for British BAME actors to act ethnic?

    So I get it “blacking up” is offensive although it’s taking things too far when white people cannot voice black cartoon characters .

    Where do we stand on British BAME actors putting on foreign accents?

    Two examples, Sanjeev Kohli in Still Game. Sanjeev plays Navid an Indian shop keeper (let the stereotyping go for now), complete with heavy Indian accent. His normal voice has a Glaswegian accent. I’d this OK?Second example , Lorna Laidlaw playing Mrs Tembe from Botswana in Doctors. From the way she eebagums it in Corrie, I don’t think that’s her real accent? 

    Soap Operasvor 9 Monaten
  • How were the police able to catch Wilfred Zaha Twitter racist so quick?

    How did they do this in under 12 hours when they take years to track down paedophiles, groomers and terrorists on the Internet?

    10 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Monaten
  • Where are the protesters about Chinese police?

    Just watched the Chinese police breaking up demo in Hong Kong. 

    They were as violent as the American police, ( probably more so off camera) so where are the protesters?

    2 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 9 Monaten
  • No lives matter?

    Anyone want to join my No Lives Matter movement?

    Given the BLM protests , the morons packing beaches and parks , the Brixton “music festival” and now Liverpool fans celebrating, it’s obvious an extremely large number of people don’t give a sh1t if they get or spread Covid 19, and it’s obvious a second wave is coming, so do any lives matter? 

    3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 10 Monaten
  • How do you feel when you get a job, just  because you are black?

    Please could only black people answer this ( if that’s not being racist). 

    What do you feel like if you get a job solely because you are part of a quota rather than you were the best candidate?

    Are you proud or feel patronised?

    1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 10 Monaten