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Voodoo Doll
Dashi alternative/substitute ?
Im making miso soup today, and am allergic to msg, the kombu at my local Asian market is $60, that cannot be the only thing I can use instead
1 AntwortEthnic Cuisinevor 1 JahrzehntOriental statue Buddha maybe with woman in lap face to face?
I saw this statue in a gift shop somewhere onetime and now I cant remember, anybody know of how I might go about finding something like this?
1 AntwortSculpturevor 1 JahrzehntI need to call Dublin?
I live in Chicago and I need to call Dublin Ireland CHEAP! I don't have a phone I use the payphone down the street from my apartment, somebody please help me
2 AntwortenChicagovor 1 Jahrzehntmyspace music?
is there a way that bands can block a particular song from playing when people add it to their page? the song I did have played just fine, but now this one wont, it plays on the bands page, and I know all about the settings for autostart, when I change the song to something else that song will also play just fine, but not this one that,,, well now it's bugging me, so now I want just this one to play, ugh.
2 AntwortenMySpacevor 1 Jahrzehntname that is displayed with post in Yahoo group?
I had my name display when I would post on my yahoo group, then all of a sudden my ID was there instead of my name, I have tried everything I can think of to get my name back in there but cant figure it out
1 AntwortYahoo Groupsvor 1 JahrzehntIs there any way to get rid of Bargain Buddy?
I have Ad-Aware SE, and have downloaded Spybot and Easy Cleaner, but still get Bargain Buddy and delete it several times each day, I have done searches and followed the directions to remove this but nothing seems to work
14 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntWhen is Summer?
the school here, last day of classes before Summer vacation was before Mother's Day May 14, 2006, and first day back to classes after Summer vacation was August 10 2006
the Public Pool opened for Summer the Saturday before Memorial Day May 29 2006, and last day open for Summer was Labor Day September 4 2006
now I just heard on the news, today is the last day of Summer, because the Autumnal Equinox is tomorrow, 09-22-2006, so was the first day of Summer 06-21-2006, the Summer Solstice, why don't the schools and park district organize their programs to coincide, and it is already super hot weather before the pools open and stays hot way after they are closed, I don't get it
4 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntTodays funny?
1- Go to
2- Type in Failure
3- Look at the first listing and laugh at what comes up first
4- Tell other people before the people at Google Fix it
3 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehntlaugh out loud funny book to read?
looking to lift myself out of a deep depression, so nothing too heavy, these books have been recommended but I can only afford to get one, which one or do you know of a better one?
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Running with Scissors - Augusten Burroughs
20 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntI just don't understand why Americans are fleeing Lebanon?
If they like it there so much why did they immigrate to America, and what in the world would instigate going back there for a vacation
9 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 JahrzehntSystem Message - Warning?
I have pop-up blocker on and I have in Internet Options Deleted: files(and offline content), cookies, history, forms, passwords, all(also add-ons), and my settings are set at 100, but I keep getting theses pop ups every few seconds, I have been just clicking on x to close them, how do I get it to stop?
System Message - Warning
Message from System to inform you about an error detection
Windows has detected critical registry errors.
Failure to repair error will result in:
1)Hacker access to computer
2)File loss or deletion
3)Slow computer performance
Visit to scan and repair your registry
[Repair now{Recommended}] [Later]
System Message - Warning
Message from SYSTEM
Microsoft Windows has encounted an Internal Error
Your windows registry is corrupted.
System recommends a full system scan
To repair now for free download
[Repair now{recommended}] [Later]
7 AntwortenInternetvor 2 Jahrzehntenhighlight search?
I used to be able to highlight something and a red Y would pop up, and could search, look up in dictionary, translate with babel fish, whatever, just downloaded IE7, and now it's gone, can I turn this feature back on?
1 AntwortInternetvor 2 JahrzehntenThis one totally cracked me up?
Jesus on the cross
Jesus is dying on the cross, and Peter is down the hill comforting Mary Magdalene when he hears Jesus' faint voice, "Peter. . . Peter. . ."
"I must go and help my Savior," he said and went up the hill, only to be beaten and kicked back down by the Roman centurions guarding the cross. But soon he hears, "Peter. . . Peter," in even fainter tones but he cannot ignore the call. Peter limps up the hill, leans a ladder against the cross, and gets halfway up when the centurions knock over the ladder, beats him brutally, and tosses him back down the hill.
Again he hears, "Peter. . . Peter. . ." ever fainter, and again, he cannot refuse his Lord. In pain, he slowly staggers up the hill, drags himself up the ladder, and finally gets even with Christ's face. Just as the centurions are reaching for the ladder, Jesus says, "Peter. . . Peter. . . look, I can see your house from here."
21 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 2 JahrzehntenThe Bible?
let's assume the Jews wrote the Old Testament, and Christians wrote the New Testament, who decided to stick them together
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 2 JahrzehntenFrancis Cardinal George?
what is the realestate value of the Archbishop's Residence at 1555 North State Parkway, in Chicago, mansion and grounds
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 2 Jahrzehnten"SkinAnswer" looking for discontinued product?
SkinAnswer distributed by Lane Labs in the U.S.A. not available here anymore, looking to find it elsewhere
4 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 2 JahrzehntenObesity might be catching?
has anyone seen this article
3 AntwortenGeneral Health Carevor 2 Jahrzehntenwhy avatars?
do people use an avatar instead of an actual picture because they are really uglier than homemade sin
11 AntwortenInternetvor 2 Jahrzehntenwhat's the story behind your nickname?
my son is harrison cody, when he was born I took the baby everywhere with me so I was always saying me and harry, my brother started calling me that and the nickname stuck
11 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 2 Jahrzehnten