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I am Irish/American and hold dual citizenship with the U.S. and Ireland. I am a Vietnam Vet. I carried a Top Secret Clearance when in the military and was all over S.E. Asia.
Can someone interpret these sentences in English?
1. Introduce el codigo de verificacion.
2.Que has recibido en tu movil
Nota IMPORTANTE: Si no te ha llegado la clove en tu movil, par favor consulta los posibles mogivos en esti pogina. Thank You in advance.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 9 JahrenWould you agree or disagree that the world is truly run by money and emotions?
In other words, reason is actually secondary
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is your definition of a Prophet?
The majority of people including my self, will usually say one who predicts the future, but there may be more to the definition then just that. What do you think?
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the most productive day of the week?
This was scientifically calculated and concluded it was a particular day so it's not an opinion, it is a fact. You can use all 7 days in the week.
4 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know the origin of the colors of the Swiss Flag?
A big hint and I mean a big would be a reversal of colors.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 JahrzehntI have a 3 month old puppy who continues to urinate in her cage. How can I make her stop?
I have a 3 month old Black Labrador Retriever who I am trying to house train. Only once in a great while is their an accident by her in the house, however, she continues to urinate in the cage over night. I can't figure this out. How can I make her stop? Thanks for reading and I would appreciate your help.
9 AntwortenDogsvor 1 JahrzehntCatholics (Self-included Catholic) Do you think Russia has been consecrated or converted?
I have been researching the third secret of Fatima to a great extent. I don't believe either has been done. What do you think?
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntDo you believe that we are the adopted sons and daughters of God the Father?
I'm Catholic and I was at mass today. The pastor was giving a homily and for some reason this statement struck me big time. Regardless of your religion or non-religion he stated that Jesus Christ died on the Cross so that we could become the ADOPTED sons and daughters of God the Father. I just thought that was profound as it gave us all the rights and privileges of His Son. Interesting huh? Too bad all the adoptees don't have all the rights and privileges here on earth.
20 AntwortenAdoptionvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the root of all evil?
It takes a sentence to answer this.
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the root cause of all wars?
My only hint is that it's ONE word.
31 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntIs anyone going to the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Chicago on Saturday, March 15?
9 AntwortenSt. Patrick's Dayvor 1 JahrzehntWe are all born with two innate fears. Can you tell me what two they are?
Some people can adjust to them better than others, but none of us can ever shake them in our lifetime.
11 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the first and foremost objective of war?
This question has arisen for centuries and the majority of people(including) the military people never get it right.
16 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntDo you thinks that maybe you are right and the whole world is wrong?
Your common sense, conscience, morals, attitude and your whole make up have to tell you that the world doesn't do much right.
22 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntHow many of you have been involved in adoption?
I have. Doesn't matter which end. Care to share some stories some time? It may help both of us.
17 AntwortenAdoptionvor 1 JahrzehntI have to know , does she really sway with a wiggle, with a wiggle when she walks?
2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntI wonder, do you think the Hokey Pokey is really what it's all about?
5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know where the term "Upset" came from when referring to a non-favorite winning?
Before this event happened, upset only meant things like an upset stomach or you upset me and I'm mad. This sporting event(and it can be any) changed the whole structure of the word. It's a good trivia question.
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntIf you were walking down the street one way and I the other way, would you say hello?
What are your thoughts when you pass a stranger?
16 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehntwhy did the Houston Astros refuse to pitch their two best pitchers against the Milwaukee Brewers?
I may not be the biggest Cub fan in the world, but I do believe in fairness. Oswalt and "Woodie" wouldn't have given up 16 runs in two games. I smell a rat here. Maybe some revenge against the Cubs? The Reds pitched their two best pitchers against the Cubs. Come on guys. Let's be fair.
6 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehnt