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Where are the people screaming about institutional racism?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Woche

    last year, the University of California president said something needed to be done to "correct the problem of Asian over representation" in the systems advanced degree programs and graduate schools."....

    governor Newsom agreed and urged the passage of a ballot measure that would have allowed state universities to justify denying admissions to Asian students based on their ethnicity in order to meet a "diversity quota that reflected state demographics."....

    an Asian-American student comedian/activist held a one-man protest outside the UCLA administration building in a full Bruin football uniform...demanding that 15% of football scholarships go to Asian players to "reflect state demographics"....

    the most-precious part were the students that shouted things like "idiot! it isn't about race it's about TALENT....if you don't have the talent to make the team you don't deserve to be on the roster!"...

    so you not only see how easily racism can be "institutional" but how so many can be so easily led by it....

  • Yes
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Woche

    This is just the beginning.  Wait until we're a minority.  This century will be a bad one.  Remember, the GOP primaried this guy, while electing ones like the Vermont governor.

    Attachment image
  • vor 1 Woche

    It helps people so people won't call this out as being racist. If white people are the only ones wronged, everyone palys along, it;s OK

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