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Lv 4
Gloria fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Woche

If conservatives believe in "freedom" then why is it a crime to offer water to person standing in line to vote?

Because they don't. Its not "a big deal about nothing". Its the party of gerrymandering and voter suppression taking nasty to the next level. I dare one GOP to defend this in 1980. You would never. This fits the trajectory the GOP has been on since Nixon used the Southern Strategy of 1968. 

We will just start passing out free water at all lines until the law is changed.

6 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Woche

    God, you people are pathetic.

  • Justin
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Woche

    You don't seem to grasp why this law was even enacted.

    Democrats were cheating the system by sending people around in vans to 'compassionately' hand out food and water at each voting jurisdiction while actually staying in each line and voting in multiple jurisdictions themselves. They were able to do this because basic voter i.d., (picture i.d.'s from school, government welfare, or state driver's license, etc...), were not required. Anyone in line is presumed to be 'legal and eligible.' 

    So Republicans are now insisting on only poll workers handing out any food or water with no one except legal voters allowed in the line while everyone voting must present a simple photo i.d. verifying their legitimacy.

    Democrats are calling this 'Jim Crow racism' which is absurd. No one is depriving anyone of water, nor is it illegal to bring all the water you please with you for yourself and other legal voters who are legitimately in line to vote ONE time in only ONE jurisdiction.

    You will see all of the ways Democrats cheated in the 2020 elections and in past elections as we expose each of these dishonest tactics one after the next. Sue and cry and scream racism to the Press all you please. We will expose you anyway. Enough is enough. 

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Woche

    It's about ANY compensation for voting

  • bil
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Woche

    Yes, Nixon campaigned against Democrats in all 50 states in 1968 over the objections of Democrats who had not allowed Black Democrats to vote at the White LBJ convention. The record of Democrats in 1968 and the 'student'/racial Democrat on Democrat violence led to Nixon winning 49 states in 1972 and a Democrat counter attack and another White segregationist Democrat victory in 76*.  

    Quelle(n): *Jimmy the Carter...The last segregationist Governor (hopefully) in Georgia had been replaced by a PRO integration Democrat. However Jimmy LOST to Reagan who also won 49 states in his 1984, re-elect. The Southern strategy killed the White Democrat 'party' of love in the South. Leading to years of Democrat History revision, and attacks on Nixon to this day.
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Woche

    This isn't Haiti, we have our own water.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Woche

    That has nothing to do with "freedom", Gloria.  Don't play dumb.

    It's amusing that you're so ignorant you don't realize that Democrats had been gerrymandering themselves majorities in the House for all the decades prior to Republicans gaining control of more state legislatures.

    You seem to have also conveniently never learned that the Democratic party systemically oppressed blacks in the South for a century after the Civil War.

    I see you've internalized your leftist indoctrination well.  Good sheep.

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