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Lv 6
Matt fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Woche

Why do conservatives think the third deadliest event in American history is no big deal?

Only the Spanish flue of 1918 and the Civil War has killed more Americans, and Covid 19 isn't even done yet


I see we have an illiterate Anon, none of what you listed happened in America, and most of it happened before America even existed, so how can they qualify as more deadly events that happened in American history?

Update 2:

Zod, the Red States are doing far worse than the Blue States per capita, so shove off with your BS

11 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Woche

    They're told that blacks get it worse and that sickness isn't a national disgrace, that health isn't a national responsibility 

  • vor 1 Woche

    COVID-19 has a long way to go to beat abortion - even if you believe the ridiculous PCR-based test numbers.

    PCR was never meant to be a test. Its Nobel Prizewinning inventor told us as much. It is intended to replicate DNA.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Woche

    The scary virus has a 99.8% survival rate and didn't manage to increase the number of deaths of all last year above the average. Oh and btw, even the CDC says the reported numbers are too high. The real issue is that a lot of people are unhealthy and fat and idiots like you actively promote tyrannical government. 

  • vor 1 Woche

    No, no, no. The deadliest event in the USA in 2020 was heart disease. The number two deadliest event in 2020 was cancer. COVID-19 was only number three, and these COVID-19 deaths were older in average age than the first two. 

    And don't forget that the most common cause of death for black males between the ages 18-25 is homicide, by another black person. 

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  • vor 1 Woche

    The numbers of COVID-19 deaths are grossly inflated. This was all a ploy to damage our economy to harm President Trump's reelection chances. 

    Regardless, President Trump still gave us the best economy in history and laid the groundwork for the rapid creation and distribution of the vaccine. 

  • vor 1 Woche

    Its sad that so many people died of covid in states run by democrat governors.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Woche

    That is a disgusting comparison.

    The average age of "covid deaths" is precisely the same as the average age of death overall.  Even if it is a contributing factor, it kills almost nobody who didn't have an appointment with the grim reaper in a few months anyway.

    Wars kill young men with their whole lives ahead of them.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Three million Americans die every year.  There is nothing special about those who die while infected with covid, other than your bizarre obsession with putting them under a microscope.

  • vor 1 Woche

    In 2020 the #1 killer of Americans was heart disease. The #2 killer of Americans was cancer.

    COVID-19 came in as #3.

  • vor 1 Woche

    We don’t... and we are thankful Trump was able to accelerate the vaccine and help save millions of lives 

    We also condemn democrats for spreading the virus through riots and other super spreader events as well as causing the initial surge when they told their supporters to ignore Trumps warnings and gather together in large groups and take public transit 

    EDIT : you are either lying or stupid 

    The top 5 states for COVID deaths 

    New Jersey: Blue 

    New York: Blue

    Massachusetts: Blue

    Rhode Island: Blue

    Mississippi: Red

    4 of the 5 are blue states 

  • vor 1 Woche

    I have heard NO person say that Covid was No big deal ... Only you idiots setting up a straw man

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